The Lord Will Fight For You

It was a long year.

My husband and I knew that God wanted us to move on, but it was a year of waiting and wondering before He revealed how.

Have you ever experienced a season like this?

It was one of the most difficult years of our marriage. There were days of crying out to God, “Why can’t you DO something?!” There were days of yelling, allowing the tension and anxiety to create blame between us. There were days of darkness where hope had vanished. But there was also a deep knowing that He had a plan…if only He would hurry up. 

I can’t help but think that Moses had these same emotions as he rescued God’s people from captivity. But even within the struggle, he led with obedience. He reminded his people that the Lord would fight for them; that we bring nothing to the fight except our obedience.

It’s not so easy to wait, though, is it? For some reason, we think we need to help God. We think that if we just talk to that one person, we can get the job…or if we just do that one thing, we will finally be cured. All the while, God says, “The Lord will fight for you, you have only to be silent” (Ex. 5:14, ESV). The truth is, the best thing we can do in the waiting is be obedient to where our feet are planted- no matter how we feel about it. Whether you have been waiting for three days or three years, God has us where He has us for a reason. He wastes no thing. When it's time to go, we can trust in the faithful guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward’” (Ex. 14:15, ESV).

I will never forget when my husband and I experienced the now moment we had been waiting for. When it came, peace flowed deeply in our hearts, joy was renewed, and our faith soared. 

Yes, there are times in life when it’s appropriate to just stand still and watch the Lord work. But we don’t stay there forever. We go, we act, we follow, and His glory is displayed. Because it’s not about our happy ending… it’s about showing off God’s glory and goodness. It’s about being a living testimony to His faithfulness.

If you’re waiting today, be encouraged and rejoice! Your obedience in this pleases the Lord and He is fighting for you, even now.

Meet the Author
Hannah Carpenter

Hannah is a follower of Jesus, a mom to five, and a wife of 20 years. As a creative, she is passionate about bringing writing, painting, and beauty to the Lord as a form of worship. A true Wisconsinite, Hannah’s favorite place to be is on the lake with a good book, some snacks, and her family. 


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