Daily Delight

Life is full, isn’t it? Whether it be our own tasks or those of our children, our calendars are booked solid. Work deadlines, kids activities, church commitments, volunteer opportunities, visiting with family, and working around the house are all commitments that keep us running. It is no wonder we crawl into bed each night exhausted, only to wake up the next morning to hit repeat! One way to practice slowing down is to obey the Sabbath. God sends a very clear message throughout the Bible that we need to take one day out of our week to rest: “Then he said to them, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27, NIV).God knew we would be running ourselves ragged. He knew we would need a day to allow our souls to catch up, to get renewed and refreshed. God created the Sabbath for our benefit! If He created this day for us and our well-being, then why is it so hard to obey? After all, it is just one day!I don’t know about you, but on those days where God commanded me to rest, I find myself bargaining with Him - “I’ll just put in one load of laundry” or “I’ll send out this quick email.” Before I know it, one small task leads to another and then another. At the end of the day, I did anything but rest. My soul is still lagging behind and I continue to be exhausted.On the occasions where I have obeyed the Sabbath, I have found a remarkable difference in how I feel. Rather than serving others from an empty cup, as the saying goes, I can serve others from the overflow. This overflow is the result of allowing my mind and body to hit pause from the stressors and responsibilities of life. It is from using the Sabbath as an opportunity to do what brings me joy and fills me. It is from slowing down.Sisters, God created the Sabbath to renew and rejuvenate our souls. Let’s start going against the grain of society and use this day - every week - for God, to fill us so that we can go into our next week ready to abundantly serve others

About the Author

Angie Nippert

Angie is a 40-something-year-old who is passionately pursuing a second calling where she speaks, writes, and coaches women on simplifying, nourishing, and rejuvenating their weary and exhausted soul, with biblical truth as the foundation.This passion and calling comes from a place of “been there, done that.” For over a decade, Angie lived exhausted and stressed as a result of living life off-balance. With God’s grace and Angie’s obedience to keeping God and His truths in the center of her life, she is now thriving.Angie lives in Minn-snow-ta with her husband of fifteen years and her three beautiful children.In her spare time, Angie enjoys dating her husband, decorating, spending her summer’s “Up North,” and being present and engaged with her always growing children.You can find her website here, Instagram here and Facebook here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight