Daily Delight

Ah, the holidays. They’ve rolled around again. If you’re like me, it’s one of the most magical times of the year.In the back of my mind though, is the family drama that unfortunately makes a subtle, yet disruptive appearance this time of year. With the stress of shopping, traffic and shorter days, we have less bandwidth for the additional family time that’s inevitable during this season.Holidays aren’t the same without family, but no family is perfect!There’s always that person who says something rude; old grudges that just never seem to die! It stinks, and some of it really does hurt. There’s no downplaying real pain. That said, how are we handling these frustrations? Are we venting to another family member, thereby spreading some of the negativity? Are we calling a best friend and sharing “what we wish we could have said”?Conversations like these keep the drama festering and our wounds open.What if, instead, we were to take our frustrations, hurts and snarky comments to the Lord first? What if we were to ask Him to help us reframe the annoyances- big and small? What if we asked God what the deeper issue was and how to respond? No matter how wise your best friend’s advice is, let’s go to the Source; to the One who knows us all most intimately.Isaiah 55:8-9 states:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord."For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways,And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Our Beloved knows each family member better than we do! He knows the motives behind every remark and He knows your heart - the tender places, the frustrated places and your good intentions.

With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror and as we set our sights to Christmas, let’s practice taking the stressful part of the holiday season to God first. In doing so, I believe the Lord will give us a renewed perspective and wisdom on how to love those closest to us.


About the Author

Elizabeth Blumer

Elizabeth, a 29 year-old with Southern roots, works in Silicon Valley as a Marketing Manager for Google.  With a love for travel, meeting people and experiencing new cultures, she’s followed the Lord’s call for this fast-paced season in life.  Originally from Atlanta, and currently residing in San Francisco, she’s also lived and worked in New York City and New Delhi, India.

Elizabeth has a heart for loving on and investing in the “next generation.”  She enjoys fostering and building Christ-centered community in the areas the Lord has placed her.  In India, Elizabeth started an English school for children in a village near her church. At Google, she mentors young marketing professionals early in their careers.  Her goal is to become a Proverbs 31 woman - a Christian defined by grace, poise, Godly character and wisdom, and in her free time, she’s always ready to learn a new skill or have a good, heart-to-heart conversation while on a walk.

You can follow her on Instagram here and follow her blog, While I’m Waiting, here


Daily Delight


ESV Story of Redemption Bible