As Little Children

In Mark 10:14, Jesus states, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (NIV).

Why did Jesus say this? And how can we practically follow His leading in our everyday lives?

As Little Children

In verse 15, He further explains how this relates to all believers: “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (NIV).

Often as adults, we tend to think that we know it all and don’t need to depend on anyone; but children are completely reliant on adults to take care of their every need and teach them.

Sister, how much can we learn from their simplicity, their eagerness to learn, their humility, and their faith in those who love them, who provide for and protect them?

Let us humbly come to our Heavenly Father as little children-- spend time, sit, and learn of and from Him.

Preparing The Hearts of Our Children

Mark 10:14 (pictured) has another challenge for us as believers. Jesus’ sermons and parables are full of metaphors for those with ears to hear, as well as practical advice to build His kingdom, for the glory of God.

I ask and challenge us: are we playing an active role in the lives of our children and those around us, working to bring them to Jesus and have them be taught of Him? Are we taking our responsibility and the command of Jesus to “let the little children come to Me” seriously?

Many times we let other things take priority in our lives, but we have been entrusted with preparing the hearts of our children to receive the wonderful gift of Jesus as Savior.

Do Not Hinder

Let us not hinder our children due to our own laziness or business, but instead intentionally teach them His ways and His promises. Let us bring them to sit at His feet and be taught by Him.

In John 6:37, Jesus promises, “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (NIV).

Let us learn of His wonder through the eyes of our children. May we trust Him fully and completely, today and forevermore.

Want more encouragement?

Check out The Daughter of Delight Podcast! 

Deborah Simpson

Deborah is a 38-year-old mother of two teenage daughters and a son that has passed on to be with the Lord. She has seen the Lord uphold her and sustain her through every season of life and can attest that He is near to the brokenhearted and binds their wounds. Deborah is passionate about sharing about God’s never-ending faithfulness, our living hope that we have in Jesus, and the importance of truth to combat the lies of the devil.

Deborah currently lives in Miami but was born in Jamaica, she enjoys going to the beach and all things coconut. She would love to travel the world sharing the Gospel and marveling at the wondrous creativity and beauty of our Lord showcased in His creation.

You can find her on Instagram here and more about her journey and writings here.

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