Daily Delight

The past few months I have hard a very hard time finding joy. I rush through my days, trying to make it to 5:30, hurry and make supper (or pick up Chick-fil-A if we’re being honest), do laundry, wash dishes, go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. 

I remember one day recently it all came to a crashing halt. I was worn from trying too hard, feeling drained, having no energy, and not being spiritually and emotionally present for my husband. I had been trying to find my happiness in all of the wrong places and it caught up with me.

I searched for happiness in my job, my hobbies, my writings, my free time, and any words of affirmation that were directed to me. I sought happiness in all of the wrong places. Recently, I felt God gently and so graciously knocking on my heart reminding me that He is my joy. And He taught me the difference between the two.

Happiness is based on emotion. Our emotions and our feelings change as often as Alabama weather. Our feelings are never constant and they are never guaranteed. With one word spoken, positive or negative, our entire day can do a complete turn.

But joy, on the other hand, is not based on our emotions. It is infinite and everlasting. It never changes and it never goes away. In fact, the word “joy” means, “rejoice”. God has taught me that if I can rejoice in my circumstances and rejoice in His ultimate plan and sovereignty, I will be filled with the most unexplainable joy.

When we let our happiness depend on something of the world and on something we may lose, we will be heartbroken and hurt. Those things or people were never meant to hold the weight of being the source of our happiness. Idols will eventually fail us. But when we rejoice in the One who never changes and who will never fail us, we will have hope, true joy, and our weariness will grow faint.

Friend, stop searching for happiness in all of the wrong places; but instead, look to the One who is the source of all joy.

{photo: @thehuskeyhouse}

About the Author

Jessica Calhoun≫ ≫ A lover of all things coffee, extremely introverted, and very tall, Jessica is an old soul with her home in Birmingham, Alabama. As a newlywed, she is experiencing the unrelenting pursuit of Christ shown through the love of her husband. Through her passion of writing, she hopes to share the love of Christ with those who encounter the words He gives her. When she isn’t helping brides find their dream wedding gown or having coffee dates with her best friends, you can find her curled up on the couch with her fur baby, watching Gilmore Girls, and eating Frosted Flakes. 

If you want to follow along her journey of pursuing her passion, check out her blog: graceandmagnolias.wordpress.com.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight