Daily Delight

And I will put enmity between you [serpent] and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” -Genesis 3:15 (NIV)

So girls, here’s the tea. There is a serpent crawling around with your name on it and he’s got one focus, to keep you in bondage. If he can keep you in bondage, he can keep you quiet. The enemy is fighting to keep you silent because he knows how powerful you are. Yes, you heard me. Even he knows how powerful you are and he is scared to death that you’re going to find out because you’re passions and your giftings will bless multitudes. That is why you fight so many battles. That is why you must jump so many hurdles. The enemy throws distraction after distraction in your lane to keep you from carrying out the call God has placed on your life.

You have to quit believing the lie that you’re not smart enough, pretty enough, “known” enough. Those are not the standards by which Women of God are defined. God is looking for someone to do a good work in. He is looking for someone willing. He is looking for his daughters.Have you been feeling defeated? Have you been feeling less than? Let these next words sink deep into your heart and create a roaring river within you that flows through your veins reminding you every single day of the importance of your purpose.Sweet sister, from the moment you were created, God had a divine plan and purpose laid out before you just for you and you are the only one who can carry it out. There are nations waiting on your obedience, young women in your church, women in your community waiting on your obedience.We must understand the cost of surrendering the fight. Though he may strike our heal, Christ within us is the Power to crush his head.Go and do.  

About the Author

Michaelyn Modglin

Michaelyn is a bubbly and energetic 23-year-old completely sold out on all things Jesus. She is passionate about women, learning more about the call God's placed on her life and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michaelyn is a recent graduate of Murray State University and is the project coordinator at a nonprofit behavioral health organization in Southern Illinois.
Michaelyn loves spending time with family, friends and Jesus. During her alone time, she can be found cuddled up with her pup, a cup of coffee and probably writing.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight