Daily Delight

How do we end up head over heels in love with someone? It seems it takes time, yet it happens all at once. My husband and I fell in love quickly, but it still took some time and effort on both ends. We had to get to know one another. We spent time in public settings, but we often slipped off to be alone together. We would hike up into the mountains, hang a hammock and talk for hours- just the two of us. I gave him plenty of time to reveal his heart to me and he gave me plenty of time to do the same. There was a lot of talking, silence and learning about each other. Ultimately, there was a great deal of opening up and allowing the other one in.See, we're all familiar with the basics of that sort of story. The story of how individuals fall in love is nothing new. If we haven't yet experienced it, we've seen it in movies and heard about it in songs. Yet, we seem so lost when it comes to building a relationship with the Lord. It's a friendship, a father/daughter relationship, a servant before a King. Above all else, it is a romance for the ages. Humans adore love and falling in love because it's what we're made for! Our God is the creator of romance and knows exactly how to romance us individually. He adores you and seeks your heart. He fell in love with you long ago and has waited oh so patiently for you to fall in love with Him.So where do we start? The same place we would with any great love. Time, talking, silence, learning, but above all else, opening up and letting Him in. You can't expect to trust, have faith in, understand, and especially fall in love with a complete stranger. Take the time and I guarantee you'll be swept off your feet. We have a wild, romantic, loving God. As your relationship with Him grows, you'll begin to see exactly how He romances you specifically.

"Listen! My lover is knocking: 'Open to me, my sister, my darling, my dove, my flawless one.'" - Song of Songs 5:2 (NIV)


About the Author

Kelsey Huff

Kelsey is an overly-extroverted 23 year old writer, traveler and lover of Jesus. She lives full time in a converted van and travels with her husband and adventure pup. Her husband, Josiah, is a web developer and Kelsey maintains a faith based blog: www.rootedinreality.net
Kelsey has a passion for sharing the word of God and firing others up in their faith. She hopes to continue writing full time and loves speaking with other women about the mighty work and healing He can do in our lives. She wants to set others ablaze with passion and excitement for their faith.
In her free time Kelsey loves to hike, read and come up with strange and healthy recipes. She has a deep love for her Savior, people and the outdoors.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight