Daily Delight

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’"-John 8:31-32 (NIV)

Christ says that His truth will set us free. Free indeed, to know who He is and who we are as a people, person and nation.Recently, I had a discussion with a family member that resulted in my questioning and inquiring about the truth concerning everything we experience and learn in life- both spiritual and non spiritual.We are warned that in the last days, there will be an increase of false prophets, messiahs and doctrines that are very deceptive. So much so, that even the elect of God may be deceived.Being who He is, a gracious God, our Father invites us into relationship with Him. A relationship not based on conditional love, but full of mercy and grace. Truly, His heart is for us. And our enemy fights against us in order to distort and keep us blinded by a deceived and ignorant state of mind.But wait, there’s more! The good news of Jesus Christ is that we can receive truth and walk in it, if we so desire. God doesn’t keep secrets. Rather, there are mysteries that He longs to reveal to us, if we’d just come close.I want to know all truth, just like you! And I want and need Holy Spirit to detox me from the very false personas that I’ve grown accustomed to and actually desire now by way of the flesh. We need to ask God to change our desires and appetite, and give us a deep hunger for His truth. To be full, yet never satisfied with stagnation.Seek His truth, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Make it your purpose, to know Him and be known by Him. Freely He gives! Let’s know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God.

About the Author

Diamond King

Diamond King, MA, is a Certified Biblical Life Coach with a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling from Liberty University. Unrelenting, in her passion for helping women propel beyond their challenges, she founded Sip, Savor, Selah, whose mission is "to help women elevate their self-concept with empathy, exaltation and edification one inspirational mug at a time."



Daily Delight


Daily Delight