Daily Delight

You and I have and will continue to face obstacles in this life.  Obstacles that bring fear, anxiety, pain, or all of the above. At times, they can seem too large to face, let alone overcome.Sister, we serve an overcomer. God, in all His power and strength, says "I’ve got you". He will take you by the hand and together, you will overcome these obstacles. God promises to help us in our time of need.Our obstacles might be painful or cause fear, but we serve a God of peace. He will not leave nor forsake you. (Deut. 31:6) He is your strength and power in time of need. He wants to take your pain and fear, all you need to do is let Him. His burden is light and He desires to give you the peace you need. (Matt 11:28-30, NIV) Let Him take your precious heart into His hands allowing love to mend what fear and pain have broken. (Psalm 34:18)Our obstacles may take us to a place of battle we never thought we would come to face. Our strength, however, is in God. As when David stood strong before Goliath, we will stand strong because the God of the Angel Armies has our back too (1 Sam 17:45-47). Put on your armor of God (Eph 6:10-18), sister, and find yourself in the word of the Lord. He has overcome the world and He is for us! Find a battle cry, a favorite verse to write down, to read or pray when you need to.Obstacles often leave us wondering why. Why is this happening? Why now? Through my hardest obstacles, I have had to ask not why, but what. "God, what are You showing me in this? What do You want me to take from this?" Ask God to reveal to you the ‘what’. It could be that He wants your trust. It might be because He wants to show you how strong you are. The what on the other side of this obstacle is the opportunity to see Him be magnified in your life in ways you never thought possible. He is not putting obstacles in front of you out of anger or spite, He is a loving God that is asking for your unwavering trust and unshakable faith. Friend, don’t lean on your own understanding but trust in God. He is reaching for you, take His hand.

About the Author

Rebecca Wager

Rebecca is almost 40, loving and living in sunny Arizona. She is married to her best friend Chris and together they have their rainbow baby (now toddler) Charlotte. In addition to chasing her sweet daughter around, she enjoys time with family, pretending she’s on The Great British Baking Show and being outdoors.

She loves diving deeper into religious studies, writing, getting happily lost in a book and can’t get through the day without a large amount of espresso.

Rebecca is passionate about Jesus, reminding women of their worthiness in Christ and desires to see women thrive in their God dreams. You can connect with her on Instagram here and follow along with her blog, For the Worthy Mom, here


Daily Delight


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