Daily Delight

On this side of heaven, we frequently find ourselves in situations that seem impossible to manage, and yet we still are invited to come to the Lord and declare His attributes.Have you ever spoken His attributes aloud? Even if it is uncomfortable, try it: my strength, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my refuge, my shield, my helmet of protection and salvation, my stronghold.Too often, we listen to ourselves (lies in our mind), instead of talking to ourselves (the truth of the Word). If you are anything like me, the worldly things that we listen to are almost always lies, but when we speak of who He is—the truth shatters the lies every single time. Our discouragement and fear fade to nothing.Sister, hide these words in your heart. Memorize them, so when your situation seems impossible, you can remember who the Lord is and receive hope from His Word.

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” —Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

Remember to wait for the Lord. The imagery in Isaiah 40:31 gives us a picture of mounting on the wings of eagles—a representation of a heavenward motion. The circumstances that we find ourselves in will never be easy, but as we fix our eyes on the Lord, we will “run and not be weary; ...walk and not [grow] faint.”Find hope in Christ today!

About the Author

Bethany Sayers

Bethany is a 21-year-old, people-loving girl who seeks to empower and challenge women to be exactly who the Lord has called them to be. She is passionate about worshiping her Creator, discipling young women, and spreading joy.

Bethany lives in Denver, Colorado and loves every minute of the ever-changing weather. She loves to chase the sunrise and be outdoors as much as she possibly can, soaking up the warm sun! Her first choice for a quick adventure is to escape to the mountains, even for just a couple hours! If her first choice is not available, you are sure to find her with tea or coffee in hand.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight