Daily Delight

Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” -John 8:11 (ESV)

Jesus’ life exemplifies an incredible balance. He is fully connected to God and to God’s people. He stands for truth and offers grace.When religious leaders brought a woman caught in adultery, stating the Law that she be stoned, He understood their motives. They weren’t standing up for righteousness, but shaming this woman to trap Jesus. Their actions condemned her as a sinner without pardon, forgetting they themselves were forgiven sinners.Jesus, however, acknowledged adultery is wrong, while helping the woman keep her dignity. He understood pronouncing judgment without love would likely lose this woman’s soul forever. Instead, He stooped to the ground, presumably to humble Himself, to put her at ease and showed the crowd what accountability should be. Not holding a mistake over someone’s head, but with empathy (as sinners themselves) speaking truth and offering hope. Being connected to God didn’t diminish Jesus’ compassion, cause Him to spew judgment, or lessen His intimacy with those around Him. In fact, it is out of the loving communion with His Father that Jesus is able to then offer radical love Himself. He challenged the woman to sin no more, but all the while, He was present in her despair and humiliation.Our zeal for following the Lord should never jeopardize our ability to love abundantly those God has placed before us. It is easy to “pick one”, either connect with God or connect with others, but neither is complete without the other! Jesus knew He must recharge alone with His Father and be present in people’s lives. If He had stayed with the people, His communion with God would’ve suffered. If He had stayed away from the people, there would’ve been no healings, no disciples. We have to listen for God’s voice, but not so we can keep it in closed fists, but to act upon it when He sends us back into the crowd.Is God asking you to be present with others or retreat to be with Him? 

About the Author

Jessica Hendrick

Jessica lives in Chesapeake, VA with her husband, Bryan, and their two young children, Jack & Jane. Never in a million years would she have thought after getting her Masters in Counseling and studying Biofeedback that she would forego job applications and become a stay-at-home mom, but God revealed the true desire of her heart that year.

She happily serves as the Women’s Ministry Director at her local church and relishes any opportunity God gives her to encourage women in their spiritual journey.
Whenever she isn’t pouring over homeschool curriculums or attending a UVA football game, you can find her taste-testing at the nearby Krispy Kreme.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight