Daily Delight

My brother died two months before my thirteenth birthday. For a girl going through the trenches of middle school, this would be the stigma I carried with me for much of my young adolescent life: The girl whose brother died.Hiding undetected bouts of depression behind a smile, I was unwilling to disrupt others’ grief with my own. Convinced the God of the universe abandoned me, I felt completely alone.Seven years later, my mom died two months after her cancer diagnosis. Overcome by everything the enemy threw at me, I continued to let my circumstance define me.But Jesus. The God of the universe, the One I thought for so many years was too busy to care about a little nobody like myself, the One I thought had left me all alone, actually stood right beside me. All I had to do was reach out for Him.Do you know the story of the woman in the Bible who had been bleeding for 12 years? 12 years! She invested everything she had, and found no cure.... Until she invested in Jesus. (Mark 5:34, NIV) You see, she could have just sat at home letting her condition define her. She could have submitted to her doctors and to herself, saying This is who I am. But no. She sought out and submitted to Jesus! After 12 years of suffering, she knew whose she was. Her faith healed her!Friends, there may be moments when you feel like your condition defines you. Your circumstance is what makes you. But I urge you not to let it hold you back. Our God is so much more than we can imagine. Whatever our suffering is, nothing is greater than our God. But He needs your faith!Today, though my heart still aches, I have found peace and joy in the life God has blessed me with. I’ve never been more confident in God’s plan and purpose, for His greatest miracles are not physical, but of the spiritual nature. It is not too late to submit to the Lord. Let Him show you the amazing power He has to free you from your suffering. Let your faith heal.

About the Author

Jennifer Tanaka

Jenn is currently enjoying navigating the path as a mom of three with her husband of fifteen years. Born and raised in Honolulu, HI, she still resides in her home state, discovering and sharing the beauty of her Heavenly Father through writing and photography.
In the last two years, Jenn has been following her calling to write for women who, like her, are yearning to draw closer to Jesus. Leaving her full-time position in education, she now enjoys spending more time with her family and serving the women in her local and online communities. 

Daily Delight


Daily Delight