Daily Delight
A while back, I was watching an interview where a celebrity was asked a multitude of questions and they were to answer each one honestly. At one point, the interviewee was asked if they believed in God. To this question, they answered that they deemed belief in the Creator was essentially futile and that the thought that one could live after death stemmed from humanity’s narcissism. This struck me as a strange way to do away with Christianity, simply because the premise of their argument was the opposite of the truth that is the foundation of the Christian belief.
Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, ESV). Narcissism can be explained as self-centeredness, selfishness, and the placing of ones own self as the most important entity in existence. But, as Paul explained, Christianity begins with our depravity and a need to be saved because we are far from perfect. Belief in God and belief in the Cross brings awareness to the depth of fleshly sin and humbles us to our knees.God sent His only Son for us so that we may be reconciled to Him. No amount of good deeds, or raising up our own selves could bring ourselves to Heaven. Only in admitting sin and turning from it in light of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice is sufficient for eternal life. Humility, not narcissism, is a key point in Christian faith and the belief in Heaven. Let us go and share this great news with our neighbors. Share how much God loved us, even while we were still living in our sin.
About the Author
Rachel Schlotzhauer
Rachel is a recent college graduate from Grand Canyon University. Her passions include serving high schoolers at her local church and writing poetry. Rachel lives in Phoenix, AZ, with her family (including her three sisters).
When Rachel is not working, she frequents local coffee shops with friends and also enjoys going to the gym. You can find her on Instagram here.