Daily Delight

For years, I’ve struggled with my self-esteem. Growing up, I absolutely hated junior high. I grew up going to a private school and was transferred to our public-school system when I started junior high. I allowed others to gauge my self-worth as I started my new school. The more someone made fun of my clothes, my laugh, or anything I felt that defined me, the scarcer I made myself. The less I made myself known, the louder Satan projected his lies. I longed for the expensive clothes, the weekend sleepovers, and to be of worth to anyone in my proximity.
Even now, those same insecurities come crawling back to my mind from time to time. A few months ago, I experienced my first break up and immediately, I allowed Satan to take hold of my thoughts and tear my soul to pieces. “Of course, no one wants to get to know you. You’re so annoying.” “You really think people will love you if you look like that.” These are the lies I would hear Satan tell me. They were loud, painful, and still just as untrue as they were so many years ago.
My sister once looked at me while I was choosing to listen to Satan and told me, “I really wish you would stop talking about my sister that way. These lies are not of God. He’s the one who created you and made the ultimate sacrifice to save your soul.”
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10, NIV)
How encouraging is that! Because we are made in His image, we can portray His fruits of the Spirit and use those to edify others, serve the Church, and approach His throne with boldness with our hurts, desires, and needs. My prayer is not only for the Lord to bind Satan’s destruction from our minds, but that we will turn our hearts toward God’s promises of love and mercy and trust the Creator alone. Today, choose to stand firm in His promise that we are worth far more than rubies and that our Father doesn’t make junk.
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Photo: @nhinton14

About the Author

Nicole Currie
Nicole Currie is a 25 year old woman who is passionate about Christ and loving people well. She surrendered her life to Christ as she entered into high school and has been following Him ever since. She is a Children's Minister and leads worship in her hometown at the church she was active in as a child.
Nicole loves encouraging others and believes in the importance of cheering on the family of God when they are experiencing life in the lowest valley or the highest mountain. Nicole is an Arkansas native who loves the Hogs and enjoys playing the piano and guitar, snort-laughing with her friends, and watching cooking shows on television in her spare time.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight