Daily Delight

“The pain you feel now will all make sense later.” “This too shall pass.” “God’s timing is perfect.” How many times are we on the brink of falling apart, holding back hot tears threatening to stream down our face and receive these words with a pat on the hand or look of pity. We are fully aware of its truth, but these words may feel empty to a grieving soul. What happens when it is not well with my soul? 
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28, NLT).
In my pride, shame and fear, I never felt like I could answer “no” in a season of brokenness to the question, “are you ok?” It never felt safe to be real with the status of a broken or bruised soul, because I didn’t want to be judged or dismissed for not having it all together, for sounding unhinged. Here’s the breath of life: God is not intimidated by our honesty. He is not threatened by our doubts. He will not shrink away from our questions, anger or hurt. We are allowed to fall apart at the feet of Jesus. Even in our darkest times, Jesus remains. He never turns away from us, no matter how unwell we feel.
When natural disasters wreak havoc, loved ones are diagnosed with cancer, or unfair suffering hits too close to home, these upsets make us question everything.
My honesty does not change God’s truth. My feelings do not alter His steadfastness. I am not stuck with an unwell soul, it does not end there. 
In Romans 8:28, the greek text for “working together” is sunergei (contribute) or “God works all things with,” or “cooperates in all things.” 
He will not make us walk alone. He never meant for us to carry the pain by ourselves. He is working with us through it all, cooperating in all of it, the darkness and light. Nothing is too dark to work through with Him. 
Maybe we don’t need to be told this too shall pass. Maybe we just need to be reminded that getting to the “it is well with my soul,” may not be the easiest, but in our stories He is there, working with us until it is well. 
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Amy Werner
Amy grew up near the mouth of the Appalachian trail in a northeastern town in Georgia. She now lives as a writer and science nerd in our nation’s capital, navigating life as a 20-something obsessed with finding sanctuaries in nature on the edges of the urban hustle of D.C.
This new transition to D.C. has been a season of learning a posture of surrender and peaceful silence found with God even amid the noise of cultural expectations and standards.

Amy is passionate about seeking justice, finding faith in all of life's details and championing young women to see and appreciate their divine value and worth. Amy loves stories, campfires, donuts and strong friendships, often the combination of all these elements equals her happy place.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight