Daily Delight

Anxiety is so real and so hard. Every single person faces it and goes through it. Paul even wrote about it in Philippians 4:6. Read the verse again (in graphic above). Do not be anxious about anything. As a human that's hard because objects and problems are put in our way to make us feel more anxious than we ever thought we could. But as a believer, it's even harder because the enemy will use our anxiety to attack us and make us doubt God. The enemy knows our weaknesses and he is going to take advantage of that to distract us from the One who loves and cares the most. 

What causes your anxiety? Is it school? Work? A big decision you need to make? A broken relationship with your mom or dad? Not knowing which step to take next? Anxiety is so hard and inevitable. BUT the good news, sister, is that we serve a God who cares about those feelings. He cares about what is bothering us and causing us anxiety attacks, worrying and sleepless nights. In fact, He is holding His arms wide open ready for you to run to Him and seek comfort in Him.
Paul gives us the solution to our anxiety right after he tells us to not be anxious. 
But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Philippians 4:6
Any time you are feeling worried, scared, doubtful, fearful, anxious, pray. Pray. God longs to hear your voice and longs to comfort you. He is your Father. And He wants you to come to Him and present your cares to Him. 
But Paul doesn't stop there. He goes on to say: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
After you pray and after you go to your loving Father, you must not think on anything else except things that qualify in the list Paul gives us above. 
If you fill yourself with the world and all the world gives, that is all that is going to flow out of your heart and mind. But if you fill yourself with God, He will give you a peace that you cannot explain. Feelings of anxiety are so hard and make us feel so worthless and alone. BUT sister, you are not alone. Turn to God. He is the ultimate Comforter and Healer. God can turn your anxiety into praise and your worries into faith. He is there for you and He loves you more than you will ever know. 
{Photo: @rach_ihim}

About the Author

Jessica Calhoun≫ ≫ A lover of all things coffee, extremely introverted, and very tall, Jessica is an old soul with her home in Birmingham, Alabama. As a newlywed, she is experiencing the unrelenting pursuit of Christ shown through the love of her husband. Through her passion of writing, she hopes to share the love of Christ with those who encounter the words He gives her. When she isn’t helping brides find their dream wedding gown or having coffee dates with her best friends, you can find her curled up on the couch with her fur baby, watching Gilmore Girls, and eating Frosted Flakes. 

If you want to follow along her journey of pursuing her passion, check out her blog: graceandmagnolias.wordpress.com.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight