Daily Delight

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. -Romans 8:28 (NIV) 
This is one of my all-time favourite verses. It has been my hope and a constant reminder of the Lord carrying me through tough times. 
This morning, I want to talk to you about control. I was quite unaware of how much I struggled with this until a few weeks ago. You see, a recent reflection on Romans 8:28 sparked an important realization that needed to happen. 
I am recently engaged. 
I don't have a full-time job. 
My car has been having some serious issues. 
And I had to start the process of applying for a visa just to marry my love. 
For a while now, I have allowed anxiety to fill my heart and soul, just recently to the point of a breakdown. In the midst of my struggle, God showed me the negative outcome of what control can do. 
Control is a sign of stress and rushing ahead of God's plan. It is a sign of not trusting and having faith in His timing, but instead leaning on your own way and not His. 
Lovely ones, I had to rid myself of myself in order for God to invade my heart and fill me with His truths again. I had to be humbled by His love in order to move forward in His plan and His timing. 
Consider the story of Gideon. God called his army 30,000 men to go up against the Midianites, an army of over 100,000 men. He spoke to Gideon and told him clearly that he needed to reduce his army. God's way didn't make any sense to Gideon and though he was scared, with 300 men he defeated the Midianites. 
Sisters, when we let God take control, things are not always going to make sense. But the very things that seem impossible to us are the places where His glory will shine through the most. 
Surrender your need for control today and allow God to have His way in you. 

About the Author

Bethany Calverley
Bethany is a 21-year-old lover of Jesus, the ocean, overalls, and acai bowls from the Central Coast, NSW, Australia. She is a quirky little soul and a sucker for all things creative.
Bethany is passionate about writing, photography, and art. She loves to share stories of how God has brought her through some really heavy heart moments, as well as stood by her through her triumphs. 
Bethany's greatest hope is for all women to see themselves the way Jesus sees them and to empower others to walk our their God-given destiny!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight