Daily Delight

As we walked into the building, I just knew we were going to have to wait for the elevator. I really didn’t feel like waiting, especially not at that moment. However, there was nothing I could do. As my friend pushed the 'up' button, the elevator door right next to us opened up. Right then I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me and say, "You don’t have to wait. The blessing is already here.” In that moment, I began to jump and shout. That was a word from the Lord! 

Have you ever prayed to God and asked Him to work on your behalf for a petition? Daily, you begged Him for that same thing over and over again and focused on it so much so, that you failed to realize that the blessing was already right in front of you...? "Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out," (Deuteronomy 28:6, KJV). 
Friends, the blessing is already there.

God knows the desires of our hearts. And if it is in His will for us, He will allow it to happen. There is no need for us to beg Him. Or doubt Him. Just because it may not always appear to us the way we want it to, does not mean that He has not answered our prayers. 
When God is silent, we do not need to grow weary. We need to rest on His promises instead. Let us praise Him in advance! For the blessing is already here- right in front of you. “...so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it," (Isaiah 55:11, KJV).
{photo: @kaels_}

About the Author

Janteya Ford≫ ≫ Janteya Ford is a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. She resides in Minneapolis, MN, where you can find her creating memories with her loved ones, dining at a fancy restaurant, sipping espresso at a cozy coffee shop, or checking out art at one of her favorite museums. She is currently pursuing her passions as an entrepreneur through various ventures. Her extreme passion for writing and sharing God's amazing love brought her to Daughter of Delight. She prays that she can be a blessing to all who read.

Blog: Teya Talks www.teyatalks.com


Daily Delight


Daily Delight