Daily Delight

I’m someone who moves at a fairly fast pace. I write quickly, I talk quickly, and my brain has fifty tabs open at once. If I’m really honest, sometimes I want my life to move quickly too. I’m eager to be on the next thing, to run full speed into the next season, even if I’m not ready for it. There are many things that contribute to this; pressure from family to have it together, falling into the comparison trap and giving too much attention to where other people are at in life, or even just telling myself “you should be further on by now.” However, the Lord reminded me a few weeks ago that He is in no rush to complete the process.

This is evident throughout scripture; the children of Israel waited for forty years before being delivered from the hands of the Egyptians, Joseph had a thirteen-year-long process before he saw his dreams fulfilled, and Abraham and Sarah waited twenty-five years before they had a son. We live our lives in a fast-paced flurry trying to get on to the next thing when, in reality, the best thing for us to do is to embrace the season we are in now. When we rush ahead of God, we miss out on what He is trying to show us in the here and now. What He is teaching us in our current season is in preparation for what is to come.

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake." -Psalm 23:2-3 (NIV) 

God is the Good Shepherd, leading us at His pace—the pace of grace. He is not in a rush and He is not telling us that we should be further on by now. Rather, He leads us by quiet, still waters—not noisy chaotic seas—bringing us along the right path at the right time. 

Today, take a moment to let God restore your soul and breathe life into your lungs that have been working too hard. You can exhale because the pressure of being “there” (wherever “there” is for you) is off.

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” 
–Philippians 1:6 (ESV)

About the Author
Steph McGown
Steph loves Jesus, coffee, and music- anything folk, alternative or Taylor Swift. You’ll normally find her sitting in her favourite spot at her local coffee store, she is a creature of habit. Originally from Ireland, Steph recently moved to Thunder Bay, Ontario, to work as worship and creative arts intern at Redwood Park church. It’s the best decision she has ever made. 
Her heart is for the local church and she avidly believes in the role of community in the lives of followers of Jesus.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight