Daily Delight

The immense unpredictability of life. The fear of not being enough, having enough or going far enough. The deep heartbreak that’s attached to rejection. Waiting on an answer from God. A situation that you can’t break free from. Loss. Debt. Insecurities. Family or health issues.
We’ve all dealt with something. Most of us, more than one something. And these somethings have had the power to trouble our hearts or even tear them to pieces completely.
Multiple times throughout scripture, Jesus reminds His disciples to not let their hearts be troubled and to trust Him.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -John 14:27
This verse shows me that I have a choice in letting my heart be troubled by my circumstance. I can either choose the peace that Jesus gives me or I can choose to give power to my problems.
You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control your reaction.
I believe this is a daily choice. Not just a one-time choice, but a choice we all have to make every single day. I’m not saying it’s easy, but I am saying that it’s easier than focusing on the heaviness of life and walking around with a troubled, weary and broken-down heart. I’ve had times when I’ve made each of these choices and I was always happier with choosing to trust God and live in peace as best I could through the troublesome times. You can maintain peace in situations that cause you anything but peace. Your peace does not have to be circumstantial.
When we choose to trust God with our troubles instead of carrying them ourselves, it gives Him so much more room to work. God is the one in control anyway, so why not just hold onto the overwhelming peace that he’s already given you and let Him work? 
Our circumstances are no match for Him. Have peace in the midst of your uncertainty. Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust God. He will never let you down.
About the Author

Cassie Rogers
Cassie is a 26-year-old Dallas native, passionate about seeing this generation live and walk in the fullness of Christ. She was not raised in the church but was found by Christ as a 20-year-old, alcohol-addicted college student. Fast forward 6 years, she is currently a Christian Ministry major advancing into the fields of Biblical and Theological Studies. She also serves on the altar ministry team at her home church. When she is not providing care for patients as a Dermatologist's assistant she is usually hitting the gym, reading a book, studying, spending time with her friends and family or writing for her blog.
Her passion for the transforming and renewing love of Christ has fueled her to create her own personal blog. The mission of her blog is to inform and inspire wholeness. You can read more from Cassie at www.iamcassierogers.com

Daily Delight


Daily Delight