Daily Delight

Take a minute to look around you—the beauty, the grace, and the wonder woven into the orchestration of creation. From the motion of the smallest creatures to the cascade of torrential rains, each are moments, precious to the story of His grace. All that we are, all that Creation is, is an intricate expression of His nature, spoken into being. He formed each element from the deepest essence of His heart, His love entwined in every second. If only we could see it all.

There’s something about the way an orchestra is composed that echoes the majesty of Creation. What an orchestra amounts to is greater than the sum of its parts—the orchestra, in all its glory, creates a song as the instruments each participate at their time. It’s a masterpiece, and any conductor desires the music to be a success, to be beautiful and revelled in because it’s an expression of who he is.

The thing about our God is that again and again, He fights for us—of all that He amounts to and all that He can do—He chooses US to partner with Him. His love for us is beyond what we could ever imagine. Why, we will never know here. But like the orchestra, each part is crucial for the expression of His glory. He chooses us, time and time again, despite our sin and brokenness, because He sees beauty in us, for He created us from His deep love for us.

So as seasons change, and the tide alters, we can stand firm in the fact that His love is steadfast. As Psalm 18 says, our Father rescues us because He delights in us. His heart is forever relentless, reckless, and wild for the fight for our souls. Let’s find wonder in His heart again—that we may be deeply awed and humbled that He would be so faithful, so covenantal with the continuous transformation of our hearts into glorious imitations of who He is. It has been incredible journeying with you dear sisters, I hope everyday you realize more and more the love He has for you and the beauty He sees in you. 

You are worthy of incredible things, for He created you to shine in His creation. 
{photo: @oliviapplegate}
About the Author

Jess Palmer
Jess is a designer and innovator in Pretoria, South Africa. Her heart is to express the beauty of our Father’s heart through all forms of art, but mainly through her design, poetry and photography. She desires to invest in the lives of people around her — to journey with them in cultivating their God-given potential. If anywhere, you will find Jess musing in a coffee shop or wandering contemplatively in a garden.
Check out her design on Instagram: @salt.seed

Daily Delight


Daily Delight