Daily Delight

See your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” -Zechariah 9:9 (NIV) 
If you need a reminder today of how much God loves you, there it is.

Our Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, King of the Universe lowered Himself to be with us. God loves you so much that He came to you.

Did you notice that? “See your king comes to you”. Since when did a King, a Sovereign, seek out his people? Doesn’t the King wait for others to come and fall at his feet? And yet the One True King and Saviour lowered Himself to human form and walked among people of sin, sickness and selfishness.

If that isn’t love, then what is?

So today, if you need a reminder of how much God loves you, please meditate on that verse.

If you need strength, focus on the fact that our King is “righteous and victorious”. If you reach out to Him, He will guide you to stand in victory, too. His love for you is so deep that He doesn’t want to watch you struggle – He wants you to stand on Him; “The Rock…a God you can depend upon,” (Deuteronomy 32:4, MSG). But to do this you must reach out to Him too. 

God has already made the first move; He says He “stand[s] at the door and knock[s],” (Revelation 3:20, NIV). You are the innkeeper that decides whether you have room for Him. He is a gentlemen in a sense, He won’t barge in, He won’t break the door down. But He won’t ever stop knocking.

If it’s a sense of re-assurance that you need, then focus on the fact that the victorious King came “lowly and riding on a donkey”. He gave up His seat on the throne in Heaven for you. So don’t let the lie that you are not good enough take your mind captive. I like to imagine Jesus like a Father kneeling down, creasing up his work suit, to play with his infant son. It’s that kind of intimate and sacrificial love that Jesus has for you.

So open the door. Let Him in. 

{photo: @keeelin_it

About the Author

Naomi Grace Armstrong≫ ≫
 Naomi is a nineteen-year-old university student who spends more time in Church and with her friends than she actually does studying for her English and Journalism degree! She lives in the rainiest city in the UK (Manchester) - but that doesn't stop her from spending lots of time walking, listening to her immensely long Spotify 'Praise' playlist and coffee shop hopping. She has a passion for overseas mission and has been a worship leader for some time now.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight