Daily Delight

Whether we have prayed or saved or worked hard for something, sometimes, when we finally get it, that feeling of contentment and satisfaction is short-lived, and we find ourselves wanting more or feeling completely empty.

Caleb’s daughter Acsah, in Joshua 15:17-19 yearned for more. Even after she was given Kiriath Sepher as a dowry, she still wanted more, for she allowed her desire to control her.

This type of desire sometimes manifests itself in our lives. However, this desire without balance leads us to become convinced that if we don’t have more, then we will never be happy or content. Left unchecked, this desire for more forces us to place unrealistic and unnecessary demands on ourselves, and sadly on others, too.

Today, I am happy that the Bible has a cure for our wanting minds and insatiable desires. This answer is Jesus. He is enough. Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (NIV). We can become fully satisfied in this life when we surrender ourselves, our desires, and our expectations over to Him. When we do, every need, every doubt, every inadequacy, every fear will be removed, reframed, and met.

A few years ago, as I ticked off a goal on my goal list, I thought it would truly make me happy.

It was the emptiest feeling I have ever experienced. 

And as I was trying to process my feelings and make sense of why I was not feeling fulfilled after achieving something I had worked so hard for, Jesus spoke to me so clearly, asking, "Am I enough for You?" The question shook me. And, it led me down a path that has allowed me to truly appreciate Jesus' “enough-ness” with my words, actions, and thoughts. I am happy that I am on a different path because I honestly answered that question and surrendered my every step, venture, and pursuit to the God who is enough. 
Today, I am asking you this same question, "Is Jesus enough for you?" Your honest answer and surrender to Jesus may just change everything. 
{photo: @therelentlesspursuit_ }

About the Author

Dentrecia Blanchette

Dentrecia is a creative nurturer from the island of St. Kitts who is learning, growing and evolving with Christ, grace and a smile. She is the Founder of Sugar For Your Heart (@sugarforyourheart) – a ministry that’s focused on creating quiet and safe spaces where individuals can explore and better understand and appreciate emotional and spiritual wellness.

Dentrecia is also a counseling psychology graduate student at California Southern University. She is committed to dispelling the myths and stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment, particularly in the Caribbean and Christian community.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight