Daily Delight

Body image. Oof. We struggle with that one, right? I feel that no matter what phase of life we are in there is likely something pulling us back to questioning or ‘noticing’ our body.
This has been heavy on my heart for years. As an image-driven society, it is a hard tightrope to walk, especially as women, on looks and beauty. How much makeup is too much makeup? What is the perfect diet? How can I lose 5 pounds? How can I get her look? 

It’s endless
I’ve been thinking lately about how God fits into this. I have realized it comes down to us… this one is largely on us. Unfortunately, I do not believe we are going to change society’s emphasis (I mean, we could and I am all about an organized grassroots rally if anyone else is), but I do think we can re-shape our individual minds and impact others in their relationships with their body and image. 
We can rattle off all day positive quotes and inspiration on how we should love our bodies and be confident and bold in them. But will that do the trick? 
Listen up… We have to first take care of our bodies and our image in order to love it. Much like we take care of and love others, we have to do the same for ourselves. 
So, here is your new year’s resolution; the only one you will need: spend time with and take care of you. You deserve to know what motivates you, relaxes you, upsets you, surprises you, inspires you and what powers you. We have to start, often, from a place within in order to make an impact around us. This is the time to do that. The more you expend of you without replenishing you, well, let’s just say the world doesn’t benefit from that. We need the full you. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). 
Let’s all be transformed by our mind, through God, and allow ourselves the opportunity to work on us so that we can serve others and love ourselves as we love others. Amen.

{photo: @collexionplate}

About the Author

Katelyn Pfeffer
Katelyn is on a quest to live aligned and faith-filled. A lover of all things trending, leadership, ‘lol’ stories, strong coffee and good conversation, she is a wellness warrior on a mission to connect with others on their journey to living their best lives. Katelyn believes in the power of people and prayer and dreams of building community through and with Christ.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight