Daily Delight

There are worship songs that facilitate praise or are made to declare as an anthem. There are even ones that we simply love to sing. Then there are songs that crawl into your heart and just beat so perfectly with the tune of who you are that you can’t listen to them without being affected. For me, one of those songs is “Pieces” by Amanda Cook. If you haven’t listened to it yet, bring up your Youtube app, and do it right now. I’ll give you a little sneak peak with this lyric: 

You don’t give your heart in pieces. You don’t hide yourself to tease us.” 
Part of the reason that this song speaks to me so intimately is because it shows the true nature of God and His inability to withhold His love from us. We’re so hardwired to think of love as reciprocal, but that’s not how God operates. He doesn’t hold out his heart as a tease, letting us run breathlessly, reaching out for just a taste of his goodness. He offers Himself fully.

In 1 Cor. 13:12, Paul talks about how we only see a reflection of God’s true nature. We speak, we act, we live with an incomplete knowledge of all that Love is. One day, he promises, we will know God as directly as He knows us now. 

The mirrors we hold up to God are foggy and grimy with conceptions of love based on what we’ve experienced. We squint at God through this lens and reach for the parts of Him that make sense. But what we’re looking at is distorted. God is not restrained by insecurities, disappointment, absences, or selfishness. He doesn’t give Himself in pieces. He can’t. 
This is my final week writing for Daughter of Delight, and I have so enjoyed this experience. Could I just leave you with one final thought? Your Heavenly Father doesn’t offer fragments of Himself to you, nor does He leave you broken. We all carry around shattered pieces that ache and wound, but God is able to make all things new (Rev. 21:5). His love is more complete than we can understand. Don’t settle for what is broken or distorted. 
{photo: @jaydaiye
About the Author

Amanda Hertzler

Amanda lives in Wyomissing, PA with her husband and new beaglier puppy. When she is not working at her job in Human Resources, you could probably find her either hiding with a book and a large cup of tea, or dancing around her house singing whatever song happens to be in her head in that moment. She also enjoys running, baking, and hanging out with the crazy teens who actually trust her to be one of their youth group leaders.

Recently, Amanda has been learning more about what it means to pursue the true identity of who she is in Christ, rather than live under fear, inadequacy, or perfectionism. She's a bit of a slow learner, but thankfully there's lots of grace for that. She loves connecting with new people so please reach out with comments or questions.


Daily Delights


Daily Delight