Daily Delight

We don’t pray to change God; we pray and God changes us.
Sometimes our feeble attempts to pray can turn into such a powerful moment. It is in the moments of doubting God’s presence when He is the nearest. It is in the moments of wondering if He even exists when He moves closer. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you,” (Jeremiah 29:12, NIV).

I’m sure many of you have those days. Life happens, chaos arouses, and our worldly desires get in the way of our Heavenly promises. We are quick to turn on Netflix or text our best friend when we have had a long day. We are fast to vent all of our frustrations to our mom or cry on our man’s shoulder. We try to feel better by turning to every source but God.

But when we use up all of our sources and we feel as if we have no more words to say or tears to cry, Jesus is still there and He bends down to listen to us (Psalm 116:2). He never said He would leave us on our own. He is never the One to move away from us. When we realize just how important prayer is we will not go one more day without it. Prayer is not an option, but a necessity. It connects us to God and purifies our hearts. It removes all self-focus and places it on the One who truly matters. It humbles us and it cleanses us.

Sister, I don’t know what kind of doubt you are facing right now, but I do know I have been there. I have struggled with prayer and I have faced challenges in knowing how to pray. I have gone weeks without praying. I have worshipped other idols. I have placed importance on things other than God. But friend, while I’m sure you have done those things too, I’m here to tell you that this is not the end. God has already forgiven you and He is standing with arms wide open ready to listen to you and comfort you. He is there, waiting for you to enter His courts with thanksgiving. “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul,” (Psalm 94:14, ESV).

{photo: @jayda_rust}

About the Author

Jessica Calhoun≫ ≫ A lover of all things coffee, extremely introverted, and very tall, Jessica is an old soul with her home in Birmingham, Alabama. As a newlywed, she is experiencing the unrelenting pursuit of Christ shown through the love of her husband. Through her passion of writing, she hopes to share the love of Christ with those who encounter the words He gives her. When she isn’t helping brides find their dream wedding gown or having coffee dates with her best friends, you can find her curled up on the couch with her fur baby, watching Gilmore Girls, and eating Frosted Flakes. 
If you want to follow along her journey of pursuing her passion, check out her blog: graceandmagnolias.wordpress.com.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight