Daily Delight
"As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. But Jesus said, 'No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.' So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them."
-Mark 5:18-20 (NLT)
We serve a God of impossibility. He can do so much more— immeasurably more, as Paul reminds us in Ephesians— than we even can think of on our own. And yet I dwell in the bad— the things I worry or fear, hurt from the past or overwhelming thoughts of the future. My brain has a way of blocking the good my heart knows is true; even on the best days, I have a tendency to dwell on the bad 30 seconds instead.
When reading this passage in Mark 5 with one of my middle school students, I was struck by how Jesus called the man to simply go and and tell. He directed him to focus on the good that had happened— not what he was before, or what was going to happen next. He called the healed man to be right where he was in that moment, and to share the good things He had done with his family and town.
I struggle so much with sharing the good things. Yes, it’s essential to share our burdens and struggles and sadness, but we’re also called to share the good moments and good things He’s doing in our lives. They may be small and insignificant to us compared to the struggles of life sometimes, but they’re there— and eventually, those little moments of good will turn into big moments of healing or whatever we’re in need of in this life. Our joys and celebrations are what prove to us the mighty and power and loving nature of our God. We are meant to share our victories and the ways God is moving in us and with us, so others can see how He can work through them, too.
Wherever we are, God calls us to be all there- and to share what He’s doing and how He’s working. What good things do you see God doing in your life? How can you share that with others?
{photo: @keeelin_it}
Jordan Taylor is a 22 year old student living in the suburbs of Nashville, her lifelong hometown. She is currently studying to be an English teacher, and hopes to have a classroom full of crazy, loud middle schoolers in her near future! Jordan enjoys reading, long walks (anywhere, not just the beach!), crafting, listening to music, playing with her pug, Lola, and writing. She is learning how to be brave, love adventure, and try new things (a lifetime work in progress!). Jordan loves Jesus with all that she is, and is learning to let Him love her too. She enjoys rambling and writing about her faith at her blog, http://taylorjm.blogspot.com/, and is excited to share her journey with you all on DOD!
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