Daily Delight

Enough,” came the whisper on the wind. As quickly as the word came, I batted it away as you would an annoying fly on a hot summer’s day. My mind processed the word so quickly and spit it back out, that I imagine even God looked on in surprise. Words live in my head that don’t always speak truth. And I hear the words of John the Baptist echo, “I am not worthy enough to stoop down in front of him and untie his sandals!” (John 1:27, TPT). The old me reacts and dismisses the word as if I never heard it or believe it could possibly describe me. The new me pauses, listens intently and turns to God in a posture of questioning, “Is this me?" And other times I receive this gift in humble acceptance.

Believing we are enough comes when we hand over the rough edges of our brokenness for God to smooth and refine with His love. It is knowing we are always in a state of becoming, and that is okay. God loves our messy, beautiful selves. “Enough” is yours and mine to claim. It is a declaration of truth when our hearts cry out the opposite. When God created and named us, He knew “enough” would become our battle cry to defy the naysayers.

Sometimes the word “enough” refers to abundance: "Is there enough?" (Matt. 6:25; Psa. 37:19, NLT). Other times, God reminds us, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9, NIV). When "not enough" fills our hearts and minds, God infuses the lie with grace. And it is that grace that will always be sufficient because, in our weakness, God makes us strong.

Next time you feel not enough, name the lie that invades your soul. Turn away and claim God’s truth. Thank God for new mercies each day and bottomless patience. Grab the truth that shouts "enough" because God claimed it for you first. You are enough! It is your gift. And it is the victory flag that marks the deepest parts of your heart. Rest in God and His truth and claim enough today and every day. 

{photo: @bekahkay}
About the Author

Mary Geisen 

Mary Geisen is a lover of coffee and deep, soul-filled conversations. She is the mom of two married sons, a retired teacher, writer, author and seeker of grace in the ordinary. Several years ago, God called her to bravely step out by sharing her journey in written form. The power of God’s words has inspired her journey of healing and drawing closer to God through the power of grace. She continues to walk toward brave faith in her everyday life and encourages others to do the same. 
You can connect with Mary on her blog, www.marygeisen.com or on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/marygeisen/

Daily Delight


Daily Delight