Daily Delight

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again, rather the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship and by Him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’” -Romans 8:14-15 (NIV) 
We are no longer slaves to sin and death when we come forth in receiving Jesus Christ and making Him Lord of our lives. The Spirit renews and transforms the mind, heart, and soul, but getting there is a process. We are adopted into the kingdom of God and we come with insecurity, fear, issues with identity, loss and grief, pain, and hardships. We face similar hardships when a child is adopted into a family; feelings of fear and overwhelmingness. We come at His feet with all the weight of our pain and burdens and call upon a heavenly Father whose love will never compare to any other. We are new creations and change is a necessity to be where God wants us to be; healed and used for His glory; no longer enslaved to fear. 
Change requires courage, commitment, and consistency. These things are the essentials to growing in Christ. It takes great courage to let go and let God mold you into who you were created to be. Your commitment demonstrates the desire to create change mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Consistency in all of this is what it takes for us to maintain a healthy and intimate relationship with the Lord. Being adopted is not an easy process, but the growing pains and adjustments are only temporary. Our adoption in Christ gives us unconditional love, peace, freedom, joy, and everlasting life in heaven. 
We cry out to You, Father, as we rejoice in You and love You. 
{photo: @alexrsdrf}
About the Author

Victoria Panuco
Victoria is a 25-year-old aspiring Speech Pathologist and works with special needs individuals. She loves making a difference and helping others achieve their goals. She is passionate about Jesus and writing. She hopes to impact, serve, and lead the next generation of young women through her writing. Victoria desires to start a non-profit organization providing resources, training, and support for adults and families with special needs.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight