Daily Delight

In life, some people have extended grace to others far more than they’ve ever graced themselves. Forgiving others so easily but punishing themselves daily for things they did years ago. The bible talks a lot about forgiving others and forgiveness for others is 100% necessary, but what do you do when the person you need to forgive is the one staring back at you in the mirror?

Forgiving you isn’t always easy.

I have news for you. God not only knows what you did, but He knows everything that happened in your life that brought you to that place. He was even there when it happened.

And it’s okay because He forgave you and now He needs you to forgive you.

You can’t serve Him wholeheartedly if you don’t love you wholeheartedly.

Forgiveness for you flows from your heart. When your heart has been through the depths of repetitive traumatic situations, there are bound to be some residual issues. Especially if you haven’t been fully healed from the trauma.

So how do we learn to forgive ourselves? We stop the chaos in our minds and we rest.

Set aside some time to get to know the depth of your heart. With the guidance and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, take a journey to the center of your heart where trauma may reside. Stop seeing your heart as an enemy. Your heart is your friend. Treat it as such. Do a study on self-forgiveness. Talk to someone if you need to. Be patient with yourself and have grace for you. Don’t feel obligated to “fix” yourself. God will do the “fixing,” but you do need to do your part and allow Him to do His.

Remember that Jesus died on a cross for you to be free, not so you can hold yourself in bondage. The entire purpose of the cross is to wash away our past, and to give us the opportunity to start new. So start new. Begin to turn your pain into strength.

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. -Ezekiel 11:19 (NIV)
About the Author

Cassie Rogers

Cassie is a 26-year-old Dallas native, passionate about seeing this generation live and walk in the fullness of Christ. She was not raised in the church but was found by Christ as a 20-year-old, alcohol-addicted college student. Fast forward 6 years, she is currently a Christian Ministry major advancing into the fields of Biblical and Theological Studies. She also serves on the altar ministry team at her home church. When she is not providing care for patients as a Dermatologist's assistant she is usually hitting the gym, reading a book, studying, spending time with her friends and family or writing for her blog.

Her passion for the transforming and renewing love of Christ has fueled her to create her own personal blog. The mission of her blog is to inform and inspire wholeness. You can read more from Cassie at www.iamcassierogers.com

Daily Delight


Daily Delight