Finding Strength in God's Word: Encouraging Your Child's True Identity

A young woman is pictured standing in a field of red tulips and the text of Ephesians 1:304 is pictured.

I could hear the screaming on the other side of the house. As I hurried to my 10-year-old son's bedroom, I noticed a large gaping hole in the drywall outside his door. I prepared myself for an epic tantrum that would take hours to deescalate.

But that’s not what I walked into.

I saw a tiny child, rocking back and forth, saying, "I’m an idiot" on repeat.

I grabbed him, squeezed him tight, and asked him, “Is that true?

At first, he said yes. But after a few more attempts, his breathless voice quivering, he replied, “No”. And I asked, “Who does God say you are?

“A child of God. I’m smart. I’m special. I make mistakes but that’s ok. I’m ok. I’m safe.”

It’s a technique from his therapist that we have been practicing, and it’s one I think we can all use in our lives. When the enemy tells us we are worthless, that our mistakes are too big, that we are ugly and no one likes us… we need to ask ourselves, “Is that true?”

According to the scriptures, we are “crowned with glory and honor” (Ps. 8:5), we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14), we are children of God (1 Jn. 3:2), “heirs of Christ” (Rom. 8:17), and unconditionally loved.

If we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and believe His word to be true, we need to allow these truths to permeate our hearts.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.” -Ephesians 1:3-4 (ESV)

It’s just a wall. You are much more important than a wall,” I told that anguished little boy, knowing that any discipline or correction of behavior was completely irrelevant at that moment. My biggest responsibility as his mother is to guide him into a deeper understanding of his true worth and identity, especially in moments of sorrow.

What are some lies you’re allowing to form your identity? Practice asking yourself “Is that true?” this week when those whispers of deceit try to make their way into your soul.

You are beloved, you are chosen, you have been made worthy. Thank you, Jesus.

Meet the Author
Hannah Carpenter

Hannah is a follower of Jesus, a mom to five, and a wife of 20 years. As a creative, she is passionate about bringing writing, painting, and beauty to the Lord as a form of worship. A true Wisconsinite, Hannah’s favorite place to be is on the lake with a good book, some snacks, and her family. 


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