God is Working in Your Waiting
In Ontario, Canada, spring has officially sprung. Everywhere you turn, apple trees are blossoming with brilliant pinks and whites, and things are finally green again.
In our province, we experience four very distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. I am the first to admit that, about halfway through winter, I can find myself pining for warmer days. I can’t remember what it’s like to leave the house without multiple layers and finish work when the sun is still shining. Yet the Lord uses seasons to speak so profoundly to me every year. There is a song called Seasons, and the line that always grabs my attention is, “Then if You’re not done working, God, I’m not done waiting.” Psalm 130:5 says, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope...” I can trust that, in May, the grass will be green, and the flowers will bloom, that winter is not forever, but it has a purpose. Like the seasons I experience every year, I can trust that in the middle of a waiting season, I can put my hope in His Word and His truth.
Where is your hope in your current season? Is it in a person, a job, or a circumstance? Or is it anchored in Him, in His Word?
The truth is, our lives are full of different seasons, and we will wait until the day we go to be with our Saviour. Waiting is not a punishment, and walking through a season, no matter the climate, is never wasted. Each season has a purpose: to prepare the ground, the trees, the animals, etc., for the season to come. Is God trying to prepare you for a season to come? I can find myself already planning and dreaming for the next season instead of being present in the one I’m in now, and I’m not talking about winter anymore. When I was single, I had to try and keep my heart so present as not to dream away the season, and praise God I didn’t because it was preparation for the season I am in currently. And as I wait with anticipation to one day marry the man I’m with now, I know that this season also has a purpose.
Today, friend, would you wait for the Lord and put your hope again in Him? Open His Word and remind yourself of the many promises He makes and the good plans He has for you.
Meet the Author
Allicia Bankuti
Allicia Bankuti lives in Westport, Ontario and has been serving full-time with an inner healing ministry for 12 years. After walking a journey of healing and restoration in her own life, Allicia realized she was dissatisfied with what the world had to offer and gave up her dream of being in advertising to pursue God full time in ministry. Allicia’s heart is to see people of all ages passionately run after God and to see His love and healing reach a broken world. When she isn’t teaching or ministering, Allicia can be found watching cheesy Hallmark films (seriously, the cheesier the better), photographing weddings or on a basketball court with her wonderful boyfriend and his two amazing boys.