Inviting God Into Your Anxious Thoughts
Are your falling-asleep musings anything like mine— a seemingly endless string of thoughts usually the opposite of relaxing?
It seems that even after a long day of cleaning, cooking, shopping, homeschooling, appointments, or whatever was on my list for the day, anxiety wants to find a way and creep in for a final hurrah the moment I try and drift off to sleep.
At the least opportune time, I'll find myself worrying about everything I can do nothing about at that moment. Often I'll try and reason with myself to calm the anxiety I'll feel rising inside of me.
It's logical, sure. But to be honest, it usually doesn't work. Whether they're silly concerns or heavy ones, my own reasoning isn't enough to kick the anxiety keeping me from peaceful sleep.
But the other night as I was finding myself in the endless tailspin of anxious falling-asleep thoughts, I stopped myself and recited this scripture to myself:
"Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7, CSB).
As I repeated this verse aloud it stood out to me that God, who already knows what I need before I even ask (Matt. 6:8), offers to guard my mind with His peace when I make requests of Him.
I tried something new: as my anxious thoughts began to play through my mind, I'd immediately bring them to the Lord. I'd ask Him for strategy and solutions to my worries and thank Him for His promise to guard my mind from the anxiety these unresolved issues were causing me.
This practice has taught me that leaning on God's promises is so much more helpful than trying to give myself a pep talk.
What about you? Surely I'm not the only one up at night worrying about things I cannot fix in the moment. I encourage you to find restful sleep, for our good Father promises to guard your heart and mind with His peace as you bring your worries to Him. And thanks be to Him for that!
Meet the Author
Mary Kate Brown
Mary Kate and her husband Brian are high-school sweethearts who left their lifelong home in the Chicago suburbs to build their homestead in rural Western Michigan. She's a homeschooling mama of four daughters and a homebody who enjoys making hot breakfasts, working in her garden, and frequenting the local farmers market. After overcoming health challenges due to autoimmunity, her passion is pursuing wholeness beyond her diagnosis. She encourages other mamas to do the same to shape the wellness of their families.