Longing For Spiritual Milk
Have you ever witnessed what happens to a plant that goes untended?
Its branches and leaves slowly wither.
Its soil becomes dry and hard.
Eventually, the plant succumbs to its harsh environment and dies.
We can learn a lot from a plant left untended. As believers, we must ensure we are tending to our spiritual health. Like a dying plant, we can end up in a period of spiritual dryness if we neglect our faith.
I should know, because I have been there. I was a spiritually dry and dying mess. I was stagnant in my faith and worried I was never going to come out of it. How can someone like me, who feels so far gone, be brought back to life? And not just to any typical life, but one overflowing in abundance?
1 Peter 2:2 says, "Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—" (ESV).
Peter tells us we cannot grow in our faith without being spiritually fed. We need to long for God's Word and seek out sources that are rich in truth so that we might grow and thrive in our faith.
Psalm 27:8 illustrates how our hearts should long after God and the spiritual water he provides our souls: "You have said, 'Seek my face.' My heart says to you, 'Your face, Lord, do I seek'” (ESV).
I was spiritually dry because I was not seeking after the Lord. The soil of my heart was hardened because I was only watering myself on Sunday mornings. I was neglecting the water I needed daily to spiritually thrive. (Jn. 4:14).
My sister, we cannot afford to deprive ourselves of the life spring of water provided to us by abiding in God's Word. Daily watering is vital for spiritual growth and battling seasons of dryness.
I encourage you to take some time to consider your spiritual health today.
What areas need tending to? What areas need watering or pruning?
Our Heavenly Father cares so much about you. Like a gardener tending to his garden, God desires to work in your heart and water the areas of your life needing His tender care. (Jn. 15:1-2) Surrender, rejoice, and be glad in this truth today!
Meet the Author || Maddie Powers
Maddie is a follower of Christ, wife of nine years, and mother to three young boys. She is a nurse turned stay-at-home mom and homemaker. Her passion is to share with wives, mothers, and women who are struggling with the mundane to see the beauty, importance, and worship that can be found in it. Maddie enjoys days spent by the ocean, hikes with her family, and a good book at the end of the day.