Navigating Disappointment: Trusting God's Plan and Timing

A young woman is pictured smiling in a white dress with a beautiful bouquet in her hand and the statement "When Christ is all you have, Christ is all you need" is pictured.

What is it that your heart is yearning for? What are you silently crying out for, wondering if God hears your prayers, remembering when (you're pretty sure?!) He made a promise, feeling embarrassed by your proclamations of faith, only to have them dashed by disappointment...

If you're in this season, I get you. I'm here too.

Can I tell you something I'm learning? It's a toughie, but worth pondering.

If you never get _____, He’s all you need.
If you do get _____, He’s still all you need.

For so many of us, this waiting? It lingers. And over time as the months pass and the waiting continues, He speaks to us and deepens our relationship with Him through the process.

Over the past couple of years, I've felt Him ask me tenderly:

+ What if this yearning is never fulfilled?
+ What if this promise isn't delivered, this side of eternity?
+ Would I still be enough for you?
+ Would you still love Me?

And even deeper questions:

+ Do you trust Me enough to honestly trust My timing?
+ Would you like to be genuinely submitted to My timing, to the point that you're not disappointed or frustrated by the wait because all you want is Me and My will?
+ Would you like to go that deep with Me?
+ And while you wait... will you bring the heartache to Me?
+ Just as Hannah cried in the temple and Mary soaked my feet with her tears, will you bring your grief, tears, questions, disappointment, and frustration to Me?
+ Will you trust Me with even this grief?

Fill in the blank… if I never get pregnant, married, promoted, healed… whatever it is that You’re asking Him for, would you like to go that deep with Him in this time of waiting? To that level of trust and love?

Me too.

If I never get _____, He’s all I need.
If I do get _____, He’s still all I need.

And not for one second do I want to choose my way, or my timing above His.

Jesus, take us deeper.

Meet the Author
Joni Boyd

Joni lives in Sydney, Australia with her three grown kids and husband of two years, Nathan.

After being divorced several years ago, Joni is grateful for the healing God has since done in her family and in herself. While she never expected to be divorced or remarried, this season is a precious gift from God and she is grateful for all of it.

Joni is passionate about encouraging women to go deeper with Jesus - so they would know that while life may not be as smooth as we’d like, Jesus is not afraid of the mess, nor does He lack the power to heal and transform.


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