The Call of Elisha to Leave it All Behind

Have you burnt your plow?

Perhaps not the most common question you've been asked lately, so let me rephrase and ask you this: "Are you all in?"

In 1 Kings 19, Elisha receives the call to follow God alongside the prophet Elijah.

If you aren't paying close enough attention, you could read past verse 21 without thinking anything about it. In response to the call it says that Elisha, "took the yoke of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the yokes of the oxen and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and went after Elijah and assisted him" (ESV).

For context, this means Elisha burnt his back-up plan. He literally set fire to the only thing he could go back to in life, if he ever doubted God's call. Now, we may not have a plow to burn. Symbolically, however, this could be a mindset, a temptation, or an old way of living.

When I was fourteen, I was walking home after school and a guy a few grades younger than me saw me, snorted, and yelled across the yard, "Fat pig!" Almost twenty-four years later, I can say with confidence that sticks and stones may break our bones, and words will also hurt us. I have had lots of healing and restoration from Jesus in the area of body image, praise the Lord. Time and time again He has called me beautiful and I have repented where I once agreed with the lies that led me to harming my own body.

Jesus invited me into a new way of seeing myself about ten years ago. Some days, when I don't "feel" beautiful and if i'm not guarding my heart, I can find myself looking to that "old plow" / way of thinking. I remind myself, that that is not an option, it's not who I am, and it's not what Jesus says. I continue to keep my eyes forward on the Author and Finisher of my faith.

Are you looking back? Are you going back to something old for comfort, affirmation, or even safety? Has God called you into a new place of ministry and you're looking at your old job as an option if it gets "too hard"? Has Jesus spoken truth to you, but you are reminding yourself of an old lie?

Friend, it's time to burn the plow. Repent for even looking, for rejecting what He has for you right now, and follow Him.

Meet the Author
Allicia Bankuti

Allicia Bankuti lives in Westport, Ontario and has been serving full-time with an inner healing ministry for 12 years.  After walking a journey of healing and restoration in her own life, Allicia realized she was dissatisfied with what the world had to offer and gave up her dream of being in advertising to pursue God full time in ministry. Allicia’s heart is to see people of all ages passionately run after God and to see His love and healing reach a broken world. When she isn’t teaching or ministering, Allicia can be found watching cheesy Hallmark films (seriously, the cheesier the better), photographing weddings or on a basketball court with her wonderful boyfriend and his two amazing boys.


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