EP 29: Biblical Self-Care
What exactly is Biblical self-care and how does it differ from the self-care movement of the world? This is exactly what we are chatting about today on the Daughter of Delight podcast. Hit that play button and let's dive in!
Hey there and welcome to episode 29 of the Daughter of Delight podcast. If you are tuning in to the podcast for the first time, I am so glad and grateful you are here! And let me just say, you are tuning in to quite the discussion today. I’m so excited to dive into the topic of biblical self-care with you and I hope you walk away from our time together feeling encouraged.
Before we dive in, there are a few things I want to bring to your attention. First of all, Daughter of Delight now has an Amazon storefront! I am so stinking excited to have all of my recommended resources in one place. Whether you are looking for a sound theology driven book to encourage and challenge you in your walk with God, you’re on the hunt for a new study Bible, you’re curious as to what my favorite bible journaling must-haves are, or you want to know more about how to actually study and understand the Bible, I am certain the storefront can help meet your needs! And this is just the beginning. I will continue to add over time and look forward to doing so. I hope the storefront is something you find yourself coming back to as well! If you want to check it out, I will be sure to link it in today’s show notes.
The next thing I want to share with you is that I am bringing back Facebook lives in the private Daughter of Delight Facebook group. You can expect a fun Facebook live gathering twice a month and the topics of conversation will range anywhere from breaking down a passage of Scripture to sharing my favorite things. For example, for our next live I will be sharing my top three favorite Bibles. You can find the most recent one in the Facebook group now. But just so you can go ahead and put it on your calendar, the next one will take place Thursday, October 15 at 12 PM CST. If you are not yet part of the DOD Facebook group, you can find the link to join in today’s show notes as well!
Rapid-fire Q&A SEASON 2 WRAP UP
The third announcement I have for you is that season two of the podcast is coming to an end. Can you believe it?! To wrap up season two, I am going to be doing a rapid-fire question and answer episode. This means you can ask me anything. Truly, nothing is off-limits! I did this to wrap up season one and loved it, so I thought I would make a fun little tradition out of it. Whether you have a theology related question, a question about me, or a question related to the Christian life, I am going to pick a ton of them to answer! To submit a question for the podcast, you can DM me on Instagram or email it to me at hello@daughterofdelight.com. If your question is selected, you will receive a heads up before the episode airs. We are going to have a blast with this one, so I hope you will choose to join me as we wrap up season two! I will be taking a break between seasons, but I will share more information about that next week.
Review of the Week
Finally, before we get started, let’s take a look at the review of the week! It comes to us from Calli Zimmerman and she says, “This podcast is exactly what Christian women need. Whether you have been a Christian your entire life, you just recently became one, or you are somewhere in the middle- Elle gives you the perfect reminders of His faithfulness and helps you understand how to live in ways that glorify Him. Do yourself a favor and pour a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and soak it all in.” This review is extra special to me because Callie recently reached out to me directly to let me know how much the podcast has impacted her. So Callie, if you are listening, I want you to know that I am SO happy you are a part of the Daughter of Delight community and that God is using this podcast to serve your soul with His goodness and glory! Yes and amen!! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a sweet review, Sis. I am so thankful for you! Now that we’ve got my fun little announcements and the review of the week covered, let’s talk about self-care.
Think On This
I want to begin this conversation with a question. That is, what is self-care to you? Hit pause to reflect on this and then press play when you’ve got your answer.Ready to go? Okay, awesome. We are going to start strong and end strong, so buckle up and let’s do this thing!
Word Versus World
In a world that constantly preaches about the power of self-care and what it can do for you, it can be hard for us, as Christians, to distinguish between the self-care movement of the world and the self-care call of the Gospel. If you have ever wrestled with the biblical principle of self-care, know that you are not alone. I have been there and I will certainly find myself there again, but the Lord has revealed and taught me so much throughout my self-care journey over the years and I am here to share them with you today in hopes that God would use them to meet you and bless you right where you’re at.
The Call to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Part of the call to biblical self-care is putting the needs of others before our own. 1 Corinthians 10:24 says, “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor” (ESV). But with that also comes the command to love our neighbor as our self. Meaning, if we are not properly taking care of ourselves, then our ability to take care of others will undoubtedly lack. In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus says the greatest commandment in the law is to, “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (ESV).
Worldly Self-Care Provides False Satisfaction
To be completely honest with you, there was a time where I thought the best type of self-care equaled a hot bath, binging my favorite TV show, and treating myself to my favorite Sonic milkshake. And here’s the thing: I’m not saying these things are bad but I am saying that I have found only temporary relief from them. Because they are things of this world and that’s the only thing this world will ever offer us: a false sense of satisfaction.
Luke 9:23
With that in mind, instead of putting ourselves first like society says we should, I have learned that it’s important for me to die to myself and the self-care culture the world operates off of. Culture tells us to embrace ourselves, whereas God tells us to die to ourselves. In Luke 9:23 Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (ESV).
Biblical Self-Care = Soul Care
And let me just say this: This does not mean we have to give up what we believe to be good for us. Taking a hot bath, reading a book, or watching TV isn’t the issue. These aren't bad things. The issue at hand with them that I am speaking to is that we can so easily assume these very things are the answer. But when it comes down to it, the self-care call of the Gospel is more a matter of soul care. And taking a hot bath, reading a book or watching TV has nothing to do with that. And it’s important to let go of what’s not good for our souls so that we can make room in our hearts for what is. This is how we truly take care of ourselves.
Soul Care = Rest and Restoration
The true rest and restoration we crave comes from God and God alone. My flesh craves a temporary rest. If I choose to satisfy it with something like my current favorite TV show, I will be no better off than when I started. When I focus more on what I can do for myself instead of retreating to my quiet place and entrusting myself to God, I miss out on the restoration, strength, and intimacy my weary soul so desperately needs.
Biblical Self-Care Truths
With that in mind, I want to take a look at a few truths and tips for our Biblical self-care routines. I pray they bless and encourage you to lean into the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.
Truth #1: You have permission to take care of yourself.
In fact, Jesus commands it. Take a look at Mark 12:30-31 with me: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”Notice that part of what Jesus commands here is to “love your neighbor as yourself”. Did you catch those two little words at the end? “...as yourself.” God desires to see us treat and value ourselves as His beloved creation.
Truth #2: God created us for self-care.
Ephesians 5:29 says, “For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church” (ESV).God literally wired us for this. If you struggle with believing self-care is selfish, know that it can be if you are pursuing it through the lens of the world. But when it is pursued in ways that draw you closer into the Father’s loving embrace, it’s not selfish. Sis, biblical self-care cooperates with God’s redemptive work in you.
Biblical Self-Care Tips
So, let’s talk about some ways to pursue self-care through the lens of the Gospel rather than through the lens of the world.
Tip #1: Get alone with God.
Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (ESV). Sis, take delight in retreating to your quiet place. Jesus did not sacrifice His alone time to help everyone that crossed His path. He knew that in order for Him to serve God’s people, He also had human needs that must be met. The same goes for you. Alone time with God should be a non-negotiable for us- every single day.
Tip #2: Know your limitations and respect them.
Take a quick look at Romans 12:2 with me. It says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (ESV). I don’t know about you, but I can so easily get swept off my feet by this fast-paced life that I neglect the well-being of my heart and soul along the way. In doing so, I neglect the truth that God is God and I am not. I know I cannot do everything, but the type A, detail-oriented, planner in me--my flesh--hates the reality of this truth. What God has shown me in this, however, is the importance of not over-committing yourself.
The Discipline of Saying No
You can say no to things that are good, Sis. You don’t have to be a part of every ministry team at church, you don’t have to say yes to leading a small group, you don’t have to go to that get-together if you’re too tired. It's true, I promise. You can say no and honor God in doing so. And don’t you forget it! I also want to encourage you to ask for help when you need it, embrace the gift of community, set healthy boundaries in relationships, and be mindful of the way you prioritize your time. Practicing these things will help make way for you to better care for yourself in the ways God intended- physically, mentally and spiritually.
Tip #3: Take care of your temple.
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Paul says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (ESV).Make sure you are getting enough rest and that you are feeding and moving your body in ways that allow it to thrive. Whatever this looks like for you, do it to it, sister!For me, this looks like reading my Bible every day, slow, early mornings, going to the gym with my husband 3-4 times a week, listening to the Dwell app to help me sleep (this is literally my favorite app), talking to my best friends each week, cooking healthy homemade meals for my family, and spending quality time with them as well.
Acknowledge Your Need for Rest
The Christian life is a beautiful and holy thing, but it’s also a hard thing and it’s important for us to acknowledge our need for the rest that is ours in Christ; for us to lean into it so that we can be filled and equipped for the Kingdom work we have the opportunity to participate in as God’s children.If we find ourselves feeling burned out, running on empty, or sick in bed often, this is a sure sign that something has to change; that it is time to slow down and lean into the true Source of rest. Personally, I know I’m getting this way when I have a short temper and I feel like everything is up to me, which makes my brain race about 1,000 miles per hour and results in the difficulty of getting the rest my body needs in order to thrive. I love the words of 3 John 1:2: “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” (ESV).
Biblical Self-Care Recap
Let’s recap to wrap up our time together today! TRUTHS+ You have permission to take care of yourself.+ God created us for self-care.TIPS+ Make spending alone time with God a priority.+ Know your limitations and respect them.+ Take care of your temple.No matter how many hats you’re wearing right now, make time to take them off and just be. Things will still be okay as you step away in order to step into the rest and rejuvenation God has for you. Take a deep breath and surrender whatever it is that is keeping you from believing this into His hands and settle into the spiritual vitality of soul care with your Father in Heaven. He is waiting for you.
A Psalm For Biblical Self-Care
I want to end this episode with one of my favorite Psalms. That is Psalm 23. May the Lord use this Psalm to lead you into the rest and soul-care that is yours in Him!
Thank You
Thank you so much for tuning in to this week’s episode on Biblical self-care. I pray the Lord used it to remind you of the importance of slowing down and feeding your soul with the nourishment it needs in order to thrive; of savoring the spiritual nutrients your soul craves rather than withholding yourself from them. He is truly the breath of fresh air we need.
Submit Your Questions
Remember that next week’s episode will be the last episode of the season. In it, I will be answering a TON of your questions. Whether you have a question related to theology, you’re just plain curious about something, or you want to know my opinion on something, be sure to DM me on Instagram or email it to me at hello@daughterofdelight.com And again, if your question is chosen, I will be sure to let you know ahead of time!Talk with you next week!
Did you enjoy today’s podcast episode? Click here to listen to last week’s episode about Christian Healthcare Ministries!Want more encouragement? Click here to check out a Daily Delight devotional!