EP: 56 Meaning in the Mundane
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Podcast interviews have begun! Kicking off with a special Caring For Your Temple series while I step away on my maternity leave on November 3.
Today’s episode is for the sister who has ever found herself in a rut, tired of doing the “same old thing” all the time. Perhaps that’s you right now.
I believe this type of rut comes from a lack of feeling like you are doing purposeful work for the Kingdom of God. Maybe you have even found yourself questioning where the beauty and purpose in the mundane of your everyday life is.
If this is or has been you at one point or another, I want to encourage you to take some time to reflect on the heart of God and His mission for the world today. To remind you that apart from Him, we lose our way; that, in Him, your life is infused with more meaning that you could ever possibly comprehend.
To help you do this, I want to share some jam-packed truths and actionable ways for you to get involved in the Lord’s purpose-filled mission as well. Because the truth is, we are called to be a part of this mission as His children!
I pray these takeaways will encourage and challenge you to live on a mission-- His mission. I pray they will ignite your faith and keep you hungry for more of God and less of this world!
TRUTH: God is using you, right where you are. Believe it or not, God is at work in you- right here, right now. There are no meaningless moments when they are lived in the light of God. He wastes no thing! Even in the mundane parts of this life, we are to glorify Him in ALL things. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
ACTION: Worship. God calls us to a life of worship. If we do not devote ourselves to a life of worship, we are unable to fully participate in the mission of God. Sis, our worship fuels our faith. If we want to help others know the truth of His Word in such a way that they are transformed by it, we must be unafraid to set the example of the type of freedom His truth brings...it’s a freedom that beckons us into a life of praise and thanksgiving. Come, let us worship Him!
TRUTH: Christians are sent. Jesus prays the following to his Father in John 17:18: “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” As image bearers of Christ, we are IN this world, not of it! Our role is to participate in God’s redemptive work; to point those around us to the One above us. We are His messengers, sent to share the message of the Good News of the Gospel. Let it be so!
ACTION: Be motivated by the glory of God. Our circumstances should not dictate our motivation; God’s glory should. Take the Apostle Paul, for example. He glorified God while shipwrecked at sea (2 Corinthians 11:25) and while sitting in jail (Acts 16). Sis, God’s glory transforms our everyday perspective into a divine one. May His glory be our motivator in all things, despite what this life throws our way. May His glory shine through all we do!
My dear sister, if you feel stuck in a mundane routine, ask God to give you the eyes to see the purpose behind your life. While these things may not be easily seen now, trust that as His children, God has a plan for us that is greater than anything we could imagine.