Daily Delight

Let's talk about our dreams. Those desires of our heart that both excite and terrify us. Those little nudges and whispers from God that we tend to question are really from Him or not. For a year and a half, I dreamt of landing a job in Toronto. And for that long, I've wrestled with what it looks like to chase your dreams as a Christian.While navigating these emotions and thoughts, I'd often turn to Psalm 139. It is the sweetest reminder of how intimately we are known by God. "O Lord, You have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, You know it altogether" (Psalm 139:1-4, ESV). These words draw me into the truth that God and I have this special, unique, one-of-a-kind relationship. There is no tug on my heart, thought in my head, or desire of my heart that He hasn't known before I have. Isn't that crazy? So while I'm navigating all my dreams for the first time, He has foresaw every one of them. And while I'm so scared of speaking my dreams out loud, God already knows every word I'll say when I do.While I don't think there's a formula for chasing dreams, I do believe the most important thing that we can do is surrender them. The minute that we accept whatever outcome God has planned is the minute we go from slaving over our dreams to walking freely towards them. And like anything in this life, when we place them in God's hands we know that they're in the best possible place they could be.After a year and a half, I got to the place where I was just as willing to pursue the job opportunities in other cities as I was for the ones in Toronto. I prayed that His will be done, not mine. So this week, I'll take the train into Toronto and walk to work. And every time, I'll thank God for this precious three-month contract that is quite literally, a dream come true. 

About the Author

Oliveah Friesen

Oliveah is 21 years old and lives in Ontario, Canada. She loves her relatively small-town life but also has dreams to move to the big city (Toronto)! She recently graduated with her degree in Public Relations, and while she seeks out her next steps she is pursuing her love of writing and branding through various projects.Oliveah is wildly passionate about sharing her faith and journey through life in an authentic and tangibly real way. Her motto is "keepin' it real" and her desire is to encourage women to find freedom from comparison and instead, embrace their identity as Daughters of the King.In her free time, she loves to read, refinish furniture, dance around the house while making mac & cheese, adventure with friends, and of course, write out her heart in Starbucks while sipping a delicious London Fog.You can find her on Instagram here and read more of her heart here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight