Daily Delight

I am grateful for a God who wipes away my sins, who frees me from shame and the shackles of past mistakes. Life is not always pretty and I have had my fair share of hiccups along the way. Like most, I have buried those moments. Trying my best not to look back. Until one day, I had been struggling and sought the Lord’s help. I was praying for direction, wisdom and clarity. Not too long after, while reading a book, the Lord revealed to me that the source of my inner struggle was something I thought was buried and gone. So many years had passed, it wasn’t on my radar and I had written it off. However, I had never confessed my sin and asked God for forgiveness. Because of that, it was slowly leaking into other areas of my life. The exact area I had been praying about. This revelation was a turning point for me.We are all faulted. Yes, some of our sins seem worse than others, but in God’s eyes, we can all be forgiven. No matter the sin. Not only are we forgiven, but we are set free from the bondage of our past sins. Shame will wreak havoc without confession and forgiveness. Shame will destroy your self worth. It’s in these times of weakness that the enemy will enter. He will feed on insecurity and tell you things to keep you down. Things like, “you aren’t good enough, you are damaged beyond repair, and you are worthless.”Friend, these are lies meant to drive you away from the Father! Satan knows the answer to your shame and guilt is God. God can heal the broken and forgive the unforgivable. Don’t let sin be a barrier between you and the Lord. Ask the Lord to search your heart and show you any unconfessed sin, so you can be set free. He loves you and His plans for you are good! His mercies are new every morning and though we are flawed, we are cherished! 

About the Author

Brooke Elia

Brooke is married to her best friend Andrew and resides in Southern California. She is a mom to two incredibly lovable kiddos, one daughter and one son. She is a lawyer by trade and a hippie by passion.She enjoys getting lost in a good book and rotates between faith based, legal fiction, and personal development.In her free time, she enjoys chatting up life with her girlfriends and exploring their many Pinterest projects.As a family they enjoy crafting, traveling, board games, cooking, camping, and serving at their local church.She depends on her faith and lattes to get her through life’s daily demands. She is learning to let go of her “perfectionist" tendencies, and extending more grace to herself and others.You can find her on Instagram here and join the Hippie Lawyer Mom family here

Friends, my hope is that you too will know that you are loved unconditionally by the Father. You do not have to prove yourself, or your worthiness. God’s love for you is perfect, faithful, unconditional, and forgiving. The only thing you need to do is slow down and receive it. 


Daily Delight


Daily Delight