5 Ways to Tame Your Tongue

The Call to Tame Your Tongue
Our words are strong weapons that hold great potential- to harm and to heal. (Proverbs 18:21) They can destroy marriages, friendships, careers, reputations, even lives. Used the right way, however, they can heal marriages, friendships, careers, reputations, and even save lives.I’m just as guilty as anyone else when it comes to taming my tongue. One minute, I can be found worshiping God with it. The next, I can be found saying things I shouldn’t—knowing good and well that I shouldn’t, too.
5 Ways to Tame Your Tongue
Surrender yourself to God
Your heart, your mind, your tongue- surrender all of these things to Him. “Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the LORD our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments...” -1 Kings 8:61 (ESV)
Look at What You Are Filling Your Heart With
Luke 6:45 tells us, “the mouth speaks what the heart is full of!” Fill your heart with the Father’s heart for His people! Stay rooted in His word. His word is a lamp for our feet & a light on our path. Draw near to it & keep His commands in your heart. (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:1-2)
Think Before You Speak
Fill Your Mouth with Life
Fill your mouth with life, not death. Be intentional about lifting others up. Speak life into those around you. Yes, even the people you do not enjoy being around. You never know what kind of impact God will use your words to make in the hearts of others. Set the example. (Ephesians 4:29)
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Meet the Founder
Elle Cardel
Elle is a 26-year-old southern gal (howdy, y’all!) and lives in a historic fixer-upper in Shelbyville, TN with her college sweetheart and hubby, Michael.She is a go-getter, a black coffee fanatic, and a little "too" obsessed with pygmy goats!Most importantly, though, Elle is on a mission to encourage and empower women across the globe with the life-giving, transformative truths found in God’s infallible Word. She believes that in order to truly know and enjoy life with the Father, we must live and breathe His Word. This is how Daughter of Delight, the online women’s ministry God called Elle to launch in September 2014, came to be. You can read more about her story here!