Daily Delight

How To Fight With Your Spouse1. ForgiveI forgive _________ for ________. Forgiveness is difficult. When you chose to forgive you're not condoning the actions that caused you pain or removing responsibility from the guilty party. Forgiveness doesn't excuse their actions but it does lift the burden of carrying the resentment and anger their actions caused within you. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ." -Ephesians 4:32 (CSB)2. ReleaseI release my spouse from my anger, bitterness and revenge etc. I repeat this phrase over and over again until I truly mean the words coming out of my mouth. When we hold onto our pain we allow it to fester and poison our relationships. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Do not allow bitterness to take root.3. Bless and ConfessBless: Ask God to bless your spouse and bring unity to your marriage. Your spouse is not your enemy even though I'm sure it might feel that way sometimes! Remember we do not fight against flesh and blood, our battle is spiritual. The devil is waging war against your marriage. Don't allow him to create a rift in your relationship.Confess: Here comes my least favorite part of an argument. Ugh. Admitting I'm wrong... Yes ladies, it happens more often than I care to admit! I'm not the perfect wife and I don't have a perfect marriage. However, love covers a multitude of sins. Restoration is made possible through repentance and forgiveness.We all have broken relationships in our lives, friendships, significant others and family. My life isn't exempt from heartache because I'm a Christian. Dare I say it ensures it but I'll never have to endure it alone. Sweet friend, there is nothing too difficult or insignificant to bring to God. Involve Him in the gritty moments. Let us fight for the ones we love instead of fighting with them. This battle is won on our knees!

About the Author

Cassandra Speer

Cassandra Speer was raised in Wisconsin, saved in Texas, and is planted in Oklahoma City. She’s been a hair/makeup artist for over a decade and is now a homemaker and writer. She is the proud wife of a veteran and mother of three.Cassandra is the face behind Speer & Arrows — a blog with the purpose to encourage and empower all MOMKIND to walk in the freedom only Christ can provide. She is passionate about sharing her faith and tackling the raw and messy moments of motherhood with a little bit of humor — and a whole lot of Jesus!

You can usually find her in Target, wearing a baseball cap, chugging coffee and chasing her tiny humans. In her free time, she enjoys dating her man, cooking dinner for friends, writing, worshiping and listening to podcasts.
You can find her on Instagram here and online here.

Daily Delight


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