Daily Delight

We often hear about taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, but as Christians, we should also be taking care of ourselves spiritually as well.  Or rather, we should be letting God take care of us spiritually. He has so much to share with us each day, and we so often miss it because we’re too busy making and keeping our own daily plans.

So how can we build a habit of daily spiritual self-care?  Here are a few ideas:

1) Start and end the day with prayer.  Praying at the beginning and end of each day is a great way to connect with God and set our minds on Him.  I start my day by thanking Him for the new day and asking Him for His guidance as I walk through it. I end my day by saying thanks and reflecting back over the day with Him.  I then make sure to turn over to Him any worries or frustrations from the day before I go to bed.

2) Pray throughout the day.  When we get in the habit of sending up short prayers like, “Thanks God!” or “I need Your help with this!” as we go through our day, we’re welcoming God into each thing that happens - good or bad - and we’re building the habit of praying without ceasing.

3) Listen to sermons and praise music.  This can be a great way to let His Spirit minister to our spirits during the day, and the best part is this can happen at anytime we want!  We can listen to sermons or praise songs while we’re driving, cleaning, doing laundry, walking outside, exercising - anytime!

4) Sit in silence.  God has been teaching me the importance of being still and listening to Him.  He has so very much He wants to show us, teach us, give us - but we don’t often slow down long enough to listen or receive it.  Listening really is a crucial part of our spiritual walk!

I hope these ideas are helpful as you’re on your own journey to incorporating some spiritual self-care into your daily routine.  Whatever spiritual growth idea you choose to try, just remember any new habit takes time and practice. If you forget one day, that’s okay!  Just start again the next day and continue taking steps toward where you want to be in your spiritual growth.

About the Author

Abigail Folds

Abigail is an internationally trained and qualified life coach on a mission to encourage and inspire women to live the lives they’re being called to live.  I believe we are each on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping other women realize and own that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.You can find her website here and Instagram here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight