A Living Sacrifice

Paul writes to the Roman believers, “I appeal to you… to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (Rom 12:1, ESV).

It is thought that Paul’s description of a living sacrifice clarifies the Old Testament’s vision of worship.

Worship According to the Old Testament

Moses presents a question to the people of Israel in Deuteronomy 10:12-13, “What does the Lord your God require of you?” (ESV). Moses’s answer includes five elements:

- FEAR the Lord your God- WALK in all His ways- LOVE Him- SERVE Him with your whole heart- KEEP the commandments of the Lord

Diving Deep

Let’s take a look at each of these five elements.What does it mean to fear the Lord your God?To fear God is to have an awed trust of Him. Psalms 111:10 tells us "the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” and those who practice it have good understanding.What it does mean to walk in all His ways?To walk in all of God’s ways is to live according to His character. God said to the people of Israel, “be holy as I am holy” (Lev 19:2).How are we to love Him?To love God reflects the covenantal nature of being wholly devoted to Him. The first three commandments tell us that loving God includes having no other gods, nor making an image to worship it, nor bearing God’s name falsely. (Ex 20:3-7)How do we serve Him?

To serve God with our whole heart is to have an attitude that willingly submits to God’s ways in all that we do. Paul contrasts being slaves to sin versus slaves to righteousness; having been set free from enslavement to sin, we now belong to God as sons and daughters. (Rom 8:15)

How can we keep the commandments of the Lord?

To keep God’s commands is to take heed and do what God teaches through His Word. Deuteronomy repeatedly encourages God’s people to “keep and do” His words, for they are the source of wisdom. (Deut. 4:6-8)

A Living Sacrifice

From Paul’s perspective, worship then involves all aspects of life - not just our acts of praise on Sabbath days- but our thoughts, actions, and hearts every day of the week.

Sister, let us offer our lives as “spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5).

Continued Encouragement

Did you enjoy today's Daily Delight, "A Living Sacrifice"?  Find more encouragement from Anita here!Want more? Check out The Daughter of Delight Podcast here

Author of, "A Living Sacrifice"Anita Peluso

Anita recently graduated with an MA in Biblical Studies where her love of all things Old Testament took root. She lives in Western Washington with her software engineer husband and two furry cats.  Together, they are renovating 2 ½ unkempt suburban acres while converting a Ford Transit van into a camper van. On the side, she moonlights as a freelance quilt designer. You can find her on Instagram here.


Courage Off the Beaten Path


Daughter Dilemmas, Week 141