Cultivating a Joyful Home: Building Spiritual Wealth as a Wife and Mother
Cultivating a home rich in the things of the Lord can be very simple. It often starts with one thing, joy.
It can be hard to admit that our attitude as a wife, mother, or homemaker can affect how our household functions.. We can either choose to richly bless our homes by pursuing Christ and His likeness (1 Pt. 2:21) or drive our house into spiritual poverty by having a poor disposition.
I love how Proverbs 14:1 depicts this: "Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands" (CSB).
Every day we have the choice to build our homes up--if we are wise in the things of the Lord--or tear them down.
Our attitude surrounding the day-to-day tasks we are presented with makes a difference. "Counting it all as joy" (Jas. 1:2-4) makes for a richly blessed household. Because where joy lacks, discontentment often follows. And discontentment leads away from the fruits that Christ wants us to cultivate in our lives.
If you are discontent while serving your family, it will spill over into everything else you do. The laundry becomes a burden rather than a blessing of clothes to wear. Picking up toys becomes an annoyance rather than an act os service towards your children, the list can go on.
The point is, if you allow discontentment to reign over you, your home will suffer. (Prov. 10:4)
I want to encourage you to change your outlook on a home task you struggle to find joy in. A simple change in mindset can lead to a big heart change in the future.
At the center of a spiritually wealthy home, one can find a joyful wife and mother. She is joyful because of Who she places her hope in, where she allows her spirit to abide. (Jn. 15:4) She lays down self to serve her family, all while doing it joyfully. She carefully tends to the needs of her family, caring for her home, and choosing to daily live out the biblical message of sacrificial love. (Prov. 24:3-4) She's not perfect, but she rejoices that God's grace will always be enough for each day to make it through.
May we be wise women who seek the Lord and build up our homes in His holy and glorious ways.
Meet the Author || Maddie Powers
Maddie is a follower of Christ, wife of nine years, and mother to three young boys. She is a nurse turned stay-at-home mom and homemaker. Her passion is to share with wives, mothers, and women who are struggling with the mundane to see the beauty, importance, and worship that can be found in it. Maddie enjoys days spent by the ocean, hikes with her family, and a good book at the end of the day.