Trusting God's Provision: Learning Dependence and Gratitude Through Daily Needs
We all know that repetition aids learning. As I enter the season of teaching my 14-month-old daughter through repetition, this confirmed mechanism for learning faces me head-on. Just today she discovered how to get in and out of her wooden antique rocking chair. She got in and out over and over again, reaching out her little hand when she wanted my assistance.
Twice in one chapter, Matthew records Jesus saying that our Father knows what we need:
“Your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him.” (Matt 6:8b, CSB)
“Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.” (Matt 6:23b, CSB).
First, in Matthew 6:8b, Jesus teaches us about prayer- specifically how we should and should not pray. Jesus instructs us not to be boisterous in our prayers to gain the Father’s approval. God wants us to come humbly to Him seeking what we need each day. (Matt 6:11)
Second, in Matthew 6:23b, we see the care of our Father as Jesus addresses our anxious hearts. We don’t have to worry about how the necessities of life will be provided because our Father knows we need them and promises to bestow them.
Jesus gives us an example when He reminds us of the beauty the wildflowers bring to His creation. Jesus asks, “If that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t he do much more for you - you of little faith?” (Matt 6:30) He further instructs us to leave tomorrows burdens for tomorrow. (Matt 6:34)
Our modern lives don’t readily afford us this dependence on God for our daily necessities in the same way for those at the time of Christ. What would our lives look like if we brought our daily needs to God and trusted His provision? What gratitude would enter our lives for the gifts we receive from our Father?
I venture to say that since God graciously meets our physical needs, how much more is He daily providing? Do I begin my day thanking Him for meeting my emotional, mental, and stamina needs each day? Trusting Him to provide the necessary wisdom and discernment for each decision that impacts those around me?
Is this what a life living to “seek first the kingdom of God” (Matt 6:33) looks like?
Let us think on these things today and thank God for His unfailing provision and care.
Meet the Author
JoAnna Baird
JoAnna, her husband of 3 years, Daniel, and their one year old daughter reside in Greenville, SC. Her days are filled with the joyful mundane tasks of being a homemaker and mother. She is passionate about pointing others to Jesus through the truths and promises found in His Word.
When time allows, JoAnna dabbles in her hobbies of sewing, baking, thrifting, and gardening. Her ideal day would begin with coffee followed by spending time with family building lifelong memories.