How Should Christians Handle Conflict?
I recently found myself in a situation where I had to confront someone about their actions. I didn’t want to at all…in fact, I could have easily ignored the problem completely. Thoughts like… “But I will hurt their feelings”, “This will make it worse”, or “They won’t trust me anymore” crossed my mind. And honestly, these are all valid concerns. But then the resounding truth sounded out all those fearful responses: Love steps into hard things with people. Loving people isn’t just for the good days, it’s even more important for the bad ones. Love says “no” to sin and cruelty, it corrects and protects. Love doesn’t run away when it’s uncomfortable, it fills in the gaps our humanness leaves behind.
“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8 (ESV)
This verse comes in the middle of a letter to a church that needed correcting. They needed reminding of who they were. To be reminded that they were set apart, that they weren’t to act like the world around them was acting… getting drunk, committing adultery, causing division, or worshiping idols.
And right smack dab in the middle of this letter full of practical advice is this: “Love covers a multitude of sins.”
Does that mean that we can love someone’s sins away?
Well, no. But we can love them so much that they turn to the One who can.
By laying down our pride and loving each other when it’s ugly, when the sin is personal, when the sin is gross, when it’s not easily wrapped up in a pretty bow at the end of the day… We are showing each other true, selfless love that only comes from Jesus. And when the people in our life feel that love, truly receive that love from us; they receive forgiveness. Forgiveness from each other, from themselves, and from God. Love covers sin. All of the sin.
When I stepped into that ugly, uncomfortable situation, I realized this is what love does. Love brings sins into the light so that it can be covered by His blood.
Jesus, thank You for Your word that shows us how to live. Thank You for Your love that has covered our sin and equips us to love others! Amen.
Meet the Author
Hannah Carpenter
Hannah is a follower of Jesus, a mom to five, and a wife of 20 years. As a creative, she is passionate about bringing writing, painting, and beauty to the Lord as a form of worship. A true Wisconsinite, Hannah’s favorite place to be is on the lake with a good book, some snacks, and her family.