Daily Delight

Lately, I have been challenged to handle my emotions, attitude, and frustration toward someone in my workplace. It has been extremely difficult and I’ve gotten to the point where I want to avoid any and all contact with this person. 
I feel a heavy weight of pressure on my chest every time I encounter them. I know that I need seek God, pray, and continue to bite my tongue. 
I recognize that this is an attack of spiritual warfare and in order to combat it, I need to put my armor on. I need to prevent my mind from going where the enemy wants to manipulate it through his fear-driving tendencies and my confusion. 
I am learning how to maneuver in the process, and it’s really testing my flesh. 
As I reflect on my situation, I am reminded of God and the fact that He sees and knows exactly how we feel in all the chaos and difficulty we endure. We are entitled to our emotions, but we must not let them get the best of us. Our integrity and state of mind is important, especially when battling spiritual warfare. If we let our emotions take the wheel, we will be driven to a completely different place than what God desires; a place that feeds our emotions and not our spirit; a place that encourages gossip and not love for thy neighbor; a place that provides fuel for the fire instead of the healing our heart needs.
I don’t want to be driven in this direction, so I am choosing to be still and encouraged in His presence, love, and light! The Lord never gives us anything we can’t handle, even if it feels like we can’t handle it. 
We must learn to be spirit led and not consumed by our flesh. 
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry.” 
-Psalms 34:15 (NIV) 
The Lord will prevail and we are secure in Him. Nothing remains hidden in His sight. His light will shine through the darkness. 
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making the wise simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.” -Psalm 19:7-9 (NIV)
I have so much comfort in God’s word. I know that the enemy has no hold over me and I refuse to let him use manipulation, intimidation, or fear against me!
If you are in a situation where people are trying to defeat you, know that the Lord is carrying you and His light is over you. You’ve got this, sister. Seek His face, be filled with His peace and strength, and conquer on! 

About the Author

Victoria Panuco
Victoria is a 25-year-old aspiring Speech Pathologist and works with special needs individuals. She loves making a difference and helping others achieve their goals. She is passionate about Jesus and writing. She hopes to impact, serve, and lead the next generation of young women through her writing. Victoria desires to start a non-profit organization providing resources, training, and support for adults and families with special needs.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight