Daily Delight

When my husband and I have company over for dinner or a weekend visit, we go above and beyond to make sure everything is in its right place before their arrival. Our goal is to make sure they are well taken care of during their time with us. Hospitality at its finest, right?

When I hear the story of Mary and Martha, I often reflect on what it would be like had Christ chosen my house to feast in. And I feel for Martha 100%.

The truth is, if I knew Jesus was coming over for a meal tonight, I wouldn’t even know where to start. The entire day leading up to His arrival would be filled with cleaning every nook and cranny of my home and cooking the best-made-from scratch meal these southern hands of mine have to offer.

As excited as I would be, knowing that Christ had chosen my home to feast in, I know for a fact my stress would still win the day- just like Martha.

I love that Martha invited Jesus into her home without hesitation. Genuinely thinking she was doing the right thing, Martha hopped right to serving Christ as soon as He stepped foot through the door. Mary, however, did not. She decides to welcome Jesus by sitting at His feet and drinking in His company. When Martha realizes her sister is “just sitting there” instead of helping her get things done, her state of frenzy quickly transitions into frustration. Her stress led to laying a demand on Christ and expecting Him to act accordingly. She placed herself above Christ in this moment because she genuinely believed she was justified in feeling the way she did.

Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 
-Luke 10:40 (ESV)

I love how Jesus responds to her: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things but one thing is necessary: Mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away from here” (Luke 10:41-42, ESV).

Martha was so frustrated with both, Mary and Jesus, because the true motivation of her heart was not to sit and enjoy the company of Christ, but to go-go-go and do-do-do for Him instead. Her acts of service became more about her efforts and presentation instead of loving the One she served. She was so distracted by the quality of her service that she neglected the gift of being able to sit at the feet of Jesus and experience His nearness.

Jesus didn’t crave her service to Him, but her presence with Him. Like Mary had done from the start, Jesus wanted Martha to choose the good portion; the company He offered.

We are all Marthas at times. My prayer for us today is that we would strive to be more like Mary by making time to sit in the presence of Christ and allowing His truths to take root in our hearts.

May we stop busying ourselves with our to-do lists the second our eyes open each morning and instead start taking the time to first acknowledge Jesus as the true bread of life. Because He is. Time in His presence must be a priority. In the power of His presence we find the remedy for our weary, anxious, stressed out hearts. Let us let Him nurture us with His great love as we rest at His feet today.

About the Author

Emily Lauren Cardel
Elle is a 24-year-old, sweet home Tennessee kind of gal who is fiercely passionate about chasing the call of her Creator. She lives in Murfreesboro, TN with her husband Michael and their precious pup Tucker. 
She founded Daughter of Delight in 2014 and is filled with great joy to see God's plans for this ministry continue to unfold within His greater Kingdom story. 
In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her besties, snuggling on the couch with her hubby and pup, listening to #girlboss podcasts, writing, and drinking Fair Trade coffee in its purest form...black! 
You can find her on Instagram here and join the Daughter of Delight family here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight