Daily Delight

Shame is the perfect disconnector. 
It forces us into a place of feeling unworthy to be in the presence of someone else. I can’t even tell you how many times I have skipped aisles at the grocery store, watched a phone call go to voicemail, or turned on a TV show to avoid awkward conversations. Embarrassment makes me hide (sometimes literally). I don’t want other people to see my mess. I don’t want to have to face moments of failure. It’s uncomfortable and abrasive against my fragile ego. 
These feelings transfer to God as well. When I was younger, I would start every prayer by listing all the ways I had sinned and would ask for forgiveness. I did not repent, but I did feel compelled to unload all of my failures before I would be worthy of talking to God about what was really bothering me. 
Shame is one of the earliest human emotions that is mentioned in the Bible. In Genesis 3, Adam admits to God and he hid with Eve because they were ashamed. They knew how deeply they had betrayed God through their disobedience, and they hid. They forfeited their close communion with the Father because they felt trapped in their sin. God of course knew this, and He immediately set in place a plan to eventually free us from the weight of shame altogether.
We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” 
-Hebrews 4:15-16 (ESV). 
Jesus came to show us a better way. He didn’t come in power or glory to condemn us. Instead, He took on our temptations and pain so that He could reveal the freedom that comes from surrendering these burdens to God rather than wearing them like a cloak to cover our blushing faces. This verse calls us to approach the throne of grace with confidence! The Father is extending mercy and grace to change our hearts and mold our minds. He offers freedom, not condemnation. 
It doesn’t matter how deeply you messed up or how many times your willpower has failed. You were not meant to accept the handcuffs of shame.

Reach out to the One who understands your struggles and offers you the chance to come out of your hiding place and be known. 

{photo: @briannabroyles}

Amanda Hertzler
Amanda lives in Wyomissing, PA with her husband and new beaglier puppy. When she is not working at her job in Human Resources, you could probably find her either hiding with a book and a large cup of tea, or dancing around her house singing whatever song happens to be in her head in that moment. She also enjoys running, baking, and hanging out with the crazy teens who actually trust her to be one of their youth group leaders.

Recently, Amanda has been learning more about what it means to pursue the true identity of who she is in Christ, rather than live under fear, inadequacy, or perfectionism. She's a bit of a slow learner, but thankfully there's lots of grace for that. She loves connecting with new people so please reach out with comments or questions.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight